**H-I-T** 03.11.2022 | WINTERSONGS live | ARTist's Graz/AT
Gernot Tutner
tutner at mur.at
Do Okt 27 18:31:03 CEST 2022
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03.11.2022 @ ARTist's Graz/AT
Thumbnail Promovideo #1 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr0w_rdxV8E>
Promovideo #1 (Youtube) <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr0w_rdxV8E>
I am delighted to announce my first solo live performance since 2014.
Maru from *interpenetration* gives me the opportunity to present
excerpts from my song cycle called *WINTERSONGS*, which I have been
working on for 5 years, to the public for the first time. The songs tell
of moments from the gloomy winter time. When darkness creeps into your
soul and everything inside you freezes. But they also tell of the
certainty that the darkness will not last forever and that the renewed
dawn of light will not be long in coming. Feedback-generated drones will
accompany these songs. A second layer in which I will completely immerse
myself. With this performance I want to reach a new level of intensity.
Drop by. It would be a great honour.
And a voice says: *
"I can not move. I can not groove. I am frozen to ice."*
Thumbnail Promovideo #2 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwkMJ7qVdmw>
Promovideo #2 (Youtube) <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwkMJ7qVdmw>
03.11.2022, 20:00
Schützgasse 16, 8020 Graz
Gernot Tutner
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