**H-I-T** IV International Moscow FemFest
Kerstin Rajnar
rosa at mur.at
Fr Nov 20 18:42:28 CET 2020
IV International Moscow FemFest
Moscow, 21-22 November 2020
The EU Delegation to Russia supports an international online festival on gender education.
The Fourth Gender Literacy Festival Moscow FemFest will take place on November 21-22, with the Delegation of the European Union to the Russian Federation as its general partner. This year, for the first time, it will be held online and feature international speakers.
The festival will offer a rich program: 18 hours of discussions, debates and performances with speakers from Russia and the EU, including Oksana Pushkina, Malena Mard, Aleska Simkic, Alena Popova, Marcella Pirrone, Marina Pisklakova-Parker, Maurizio Mosca, Nastya Krasilnikova, Isabella Lenarduzzi and many others.
You can watch the festival online:
The 1st day of the Festival on 21st November
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfh2_90Mfo0&feature=youtu.be <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfh2_90Mfo0&feature=youtu.be>
The 2d day of the Festival on 22nd November
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gv7w2cbwsTU&feature=youtu.be <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gv7w2cbwsTU&feature=youtu.be>
https://moscowfemfest.ru/2020 <https://moscowfemfest.ru/2020>
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