**H-I-T** Sirene der Hoffnung / Sirene of Hope - On Radio Helsinki | 14.-20.12.2020
Gernot Tutner
tutner at mur.at
Mo Dez 14 17:52:47 CET 2020
*Sirene der Hoffnung / Sirene of Hope
On Radio Helsinki*
_14.-20.12.2020, 12:00-12:05_
My new work. For Radio Helsinki's Soundscape of the week.
Transforming a recording of the fire department's siren at Lendplatz in
Graz into a harmonic chord using looping, pitch shifting and
superimposition, transforming a signal of danger into the *"Siren of Hope".*
https://helsinki.at/program/98061 <https://helsinki.at/program/98061>
Gernot Tutner
https://tutner.mur.at <https://tutner.mur.at>
Leitnergasse 21, 8010 Graz
fon: +43-676-9229959
Sirene der Hoffnung / Sirene of Hope | The tuticompletti Newsletter |
Gernot Tutner | from disco to noise
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