**H-I-T** [Interpenetration] Anders Vestergaard & Finn Loxbo und Luigi Marino & Michael Thieke bei Interpenetration am 20.9. im chachamaru
chmafu nocords
chmafu at nocords.net
Di Sep 18 08:38:46 CEST 2018
chmafu nocords (http://nocords.net) newsletters
Konzertreihe (http://interpenetration.net) 20.09.2018
Anders Vestergaard & Finn Loxbo
Luigi Marino & Michael Thieke
in Zusammenarbeit mit KiG! Kultur in Graz
茶々丸 @ Volkshaus
Lagergasse 98A
8020 Graz
Einlass: 19:30
Konzert: 20:30
Eintritt: €2-6
Aktuelle Informationen und Videos: http://interpenetration.net
Eine neue saison und es gäbe so viel spannendes zu berichten.
Leider aber wird das alles überschattet von vorkomnissen, die hm....
urteilt selbst!
Der steirische herbst (der sich zusammenarbeit mit den lokalen
kulturinitiativen auf die fahnen schreibt) wird heuer im
Volkshaus veranstaltungen abhalten. Kommunikation mit
Interpenetration stand dabei nicht auf ihrer to-do liste.
Diese begann also erst als Kultur in Graz die zuständigen
zufällig vorort antraf und herbeifischte.
Dann der erste
schock: Der sh verbietet chamfu nocords die abhaltung des
eröffnungskonzertes am 20.9. (das seit monaten gebucht war).
Also emails und gespräche ohne ende... und ergebnis. Keine
bindende zusage, dass das konzert störungsfrei über die
bühne gehen könne. Und das bis heute. Einzig eine
vereinbarung mit der KP, die sich auf eine vereinbarung
KiGs mit dem sh bezieht verspricht, den reibungslosen
ablauf. Und selbst darum musste ich monatelang kämpfen.
Nicht nur wegen der gewohnt aufregenden konzertereignisse, sondern
auch aus kulturpolitischen gründen lege ich euch also
diesmal den besuch der interpenetranten konzerte ans
herzen. Schaut vorbei und macht euch selbst ein bild....
Anders Vestergaard & Finn Loxbo
Anders Vestergaard & Finn Loxbo is a swedish/danish duo that
uses acoustic guitar
and snaredrum with feedback electronics to
explore sounds and textures in the force field between
acoustic reductionism and feedback noise. On the record
“Im fine with swirling colors” that will be released
in september 2018, we hear free improvised music that
reflects the nuances of the different temperaments and
modes that the duo has developed through the last years
– from concrete sounds in reduced yet explosive phrases where
the silence seems charged with TNT – to an almost lyrical,
melodical interplay.
Anders Vestergaard is working with feedback, drums, cymbals and
other objects in both refined and precise ways and in brutal and
stupid ways. He is very active on the danish music scene,
both with his own band Yes Deer and in i.a Jacob
Anderskovs Kinetics that collaborates with Evan Parker.
Finn Loxbo is researching out the
sonorous expressive possibilities
of the steel-stringed acoustic guitar with the help of
unorthodox techniques and preparations, sometimes in
collaboration with voice and electronics. Besides the
low-key reductionism in his solo work and many acoustic
collaborations with i.e Lisa Ullén, he plays electric
guitar in bands with a more maximalistic approach such as
Strändernas Svall, Doglife and formerly Fire! Orchestra.
Luigi Marino & Michael Thieke
Michael Thieke: clarinet
Luigi Marino: zarb, bowed custom cymbals, feedback music box
Drawing from improvisation and relying upon empirical practice to
introduce collectively composed elements, the dialogue between
the two musicians develops from the most unusual and
hidden details of sound. Metal resonances and air columns
set in vibration inside a clarinet, sounds barely
emerge from the background to take a predominant role,
gradually showing all their potential and unexpected
directions to convey intuitive decision-making.
The duo Thieke/Marino started in Berlin in 2016, and they have since
presented their music in Germany, UK, Netherlands, Italy,
Czech Republic and Switzerland.
Luigi Marino
Luigi Marino is a musician native to Rome. His recent work has
focused on interactive systems able to create interactions
between an extemporary performer-driven source and a
computer, with particular attention to how intuitive
decisions can profoundly affect predetermined structures.
He is also an active improvisor performing on both
electronic media and percussion, especially zarb and bowed
custom cymbals.
He holds a BA in arts and philosophy from University of Rome Tor
Vergata, and an MFA in electronic music from
Mills College,
where he worked as teaching assistant for John Bischoff
and Chris Brown. Among his teachers Roscoe Mitchell, John
Bischoff, Chris Brown, William Winant. He studied zarb
with Mohssen Kasirossafar.
He is the recipent of many awards such as the full teaching
assistantship at the Center of Contemporary Music at Mills College,
the Paul Merritt Henry Prize, and the doctoral grant from
the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK).
His music has been presented at festivals such as the San Francisco
Tape Music Festival, Intonal Festival (Malmö), Seoul
International Computer Music Festival, Acousmatic for the
People (Malmö), BEAST FEaST (Birmingham), ICMC (Athens),
Sincronie (Milan). As a performer, he played at venues
such as Rainforest World Music Festival (Kuching,
Malaysia), Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna (Rome),
Parco Della Musica (Rome), Offene Ohren (Munich),
Studio Acht (Berlin), Spektum (Berlin), Sowieso (Berlin), WIM
(Zurich), ImprovvisaMente (Lodi), Teatro Ca’ Foscari (Venice),
Spazio O’ (Milan).
He currently lives in the UK, pursuing a joint PhD at University of
Birmingham and De Montfort University.
Michael Thieke
The Berlin-based clarinetist/composer/performer Michael Thieke is
equally at home across a broad range of musical environments,
exploring the minutiae of sound, timbre and noise, with a
particular interest in microtonality and related sound
phenomena, and with a preference for long-term
collaborations and collective work. His music is well
informed (not only) by electronic music although he mostly
works in acoustic environments.
He is currently involved in a number of projects that focus on
diverse and
contrasting facets of his musical interest, such as
experimental song forms, collectively composing projects,
improvising collectives, and music on the fringes of jazz.
With groups such as The International Nothing, The Pitch,
Splitter Orchestra, The Magic I.D., Hotelgäste and Der
Lange Schatten he performed in Europe, Japan, USA, Canada
and Russia.
Interpenetration website
chmafu nocords auf youtube
<a href="mailto:office at dieeintrittskarte.at">
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Bio and Fair Trade!
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