**H-I-T** [Interpenetration] Bistre und Pip am 15.3. bei Interpenetration im chachamaru (Volkshaus)
chmafu nocords
chmafu at nocords.net
Di Mär 13 08:59:39 CET 2018
chmafu nocords (http://nocords.net) newsletters
Konzertreihe (http://interpenetration.net) 15.03.2018
in Zusammenarbeit mit KiG! Kultur in Graz
茶々丸 @ Volkshaus
Lagergasse 98A
8020 Graz
Einlass: 19:00
Konzert: 20:00
Eintritt: €2-6
Aktuelle Informationen und Videos: http://interpenetration.net
Der gemeine Franzose ist es gewöhnt, hier abgetragene geistlose
nichtigkeiten und desinfizierten unsinn vorzufinden. Auf den
ersten blick scheint dies hier vielleicht auch wie einer
jener müllstierlenden fransenlutscher, doch nichts weiter
entfernt von der wahrheit. Ein jodelworkshop kann unter
gewissen voraussetzungen natürlich zersetzend und
verletzend wirken. Nicht so aber, wenn eine grosse wie
Ingrid Schmoliner uns durch ein wochenende voll
intensität und erfahrungsreichtum zu reichtumserfahrung führt.
Inklusive Obertongesang. SEHR zu empfehlen! Danke KiG!
Matthias Müller – Trombone
Guilherme Rodrigues – Cello
Eric Wong – Guitar
Formed by Matthias Müller (trombone), Guilherme Rodrigues (cello),
and Eric Wong (guitar), the trio explore multiple dynamics
of playing, and utilize sound from noise of attacks to
full resonance of their instruments, intervening with
each other to create dialogs, tensions, and different
spectrum of soundscapes.
Pip is a duo playing improvised and semi-composed pieces of music,
with Fredrik Rasten on guitar and Torstein Lavik Larsen on
The music is focusing on such elements as small variations in
tonal and timbral colour often utilizing
just intonation,
extended playing techniques and repeating musical
Sometimes the music includes electronic elements, never abandoning
the core sound of acoustic guitar and trumpet as a point of
The duo has existed since 2006, and has since then explored many
different approaches to improvised music.
Pip released their first official release on Portuguese label
Creative Sources in 2016, and their tours have included
countries as Germany, Czech Republic, England and the
Scandinavian countries.
Torstein and Fredrik also play together in the band Oker, with
drummer Jan Martin Gismervik and bass player Adrian Fiskum
Myhr, and in the quartet Volumes with Magda Mayas on
prepared piano and Isak Hedtjärn playing clarinet and
www.pipband.com (http://www.pipband.com)
chmafu nocords auf youtube
<a href="mailto:office at dieeintrittskarte.at">
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Bio and Fair Trade!
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If you want one, come to our shows or write an
email (mailto:interpenetration at nocords.net).
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