**H-I-T** [Interpenetration] Rie Nakajima & Pierre Berthet und Gigaldi am 21.6. bei Interpenetration im chachamaru
chmafu nocords
chmafu at nocords.net
Di Jun 19 09:52:00 CEST 2018
chmafu nocords (http://nocords.net) newsletters
Konzertreihe (http://interpenetration.net)
Rie Nakajima & Pierre Berthet
in Zusammenarbeit mit KiG! Kultur in Graz
茶々丸 @ Volkshaus
Lagergasse 98A
8020 Graz
Einlass: 19:00
Konzert: 20:00
Eintritt: €2-6
Aktuelle Informationen und Videos: http://interpenetration.net
Das letzte konzert vor der sommerpause (in der wir möglicherweise
die eine oder andere überraschung parat haben). Als
einstimmung auf den hoffentlich bald bevorstehenden sommer
mit Gigaldis "Sommer". Und einer Japanisch-Belgischen
mischung aus installation und konzert. Ausserdem ist die
terrasse im Volkshaus ab 15 uhr für euch geöffnet. Für
durstige wird sich sicher auch dann schon das eine oder
andere getränk finden lassen.
Und... die chance, dass die t-shirts am Donnerstag da sein
ist nicht schlecht. Eigentlich gut sogar. Fast astronomisch.
Einen hab ich aber noch:
Was sagt der volkstümliche schlagerstar zum interpenetranten
"Zum flughafen, bitte!"
Rie Nakajima & Pierre Berthet
Dead Plants and Living Objects
Tin cans, whistles, locomotive suspension springs, porcelain bowls,
compressor top bells, ping pong balls, agave dry leaves,
sponges, steel wires, branches, paper foils, plastic bags,
silver papers, pink gloves, piano, balloons, buckets,
feathers, water, scraps, peebles, flower pots, guitar,
metal tubes, paulownia tree seeds, pearls, bamboo sticks,
logs, bones, stones, filter queens…
RN and PB have been creating various ways to vibrate things so that
their acoustic shadows dance around: invisible air volumes
that reshape
constantly, move in the space, enter in the
most secret places and inside ourselves. A way to get
closer to things inherent spirits is to listen to them.
Eventually encouraging them to produce sounds and resonate
by various means: to hit, caress, shake, beat, scrape,
scratch, claw, boil, clap, rattle, rock, throw, move,
magnetize, clamp, cook, pinch, galvanize, motorize, bow, blow,
pluck, heath up, let flow, freeze, drop, drip, connect, roll, mix,
extend, sing…<a
Sommer / Summer / 夏
“Das ganze Doppelalbum” is the first solo release of Gigi Gratt
aka Gigaldi. Since 2005 Gratt plays in intense bands like
the improvisation trio Nirwakia with Wolf Lobo Eisberg and
Martin ‘Hipi’
Hiptmair. At the same time he started
with Bernhard Breuer (Elektro Guzzi) the band Tumido. But
Gratt also created Gigi’s Gogos, a 13 piece orchestra
built around improvisation conducted by Gigi. This project
transferred into the GIS Orchestra, an Upper Austrian
improvisation orchestra, with up to 30 musicians (organised in
collaboration with Waschaecht Wels (Unlimited Festival). Gratt
comes from Ottensheim, he is one of the key pillars of
Ottensheim Open Air and organises shows for KOMA, a
culture association doing shows at changing spaces. He is
playing E-Guitar in the post-math-rock quartet of NI, next
to BRAAZ a quartet between Jazz and Noiserock, with a lot
of space for improvisation. These days Gratt is also
playing at DRUMSKI a collective working in a traditional way with
(upper-)austrian proverbs. And if he is not involved in new
projects, his next other band is ROMANOVSTRA working in a new
way with hungarian proverbs.
In 2015 Gratt transferred the idea of a concept recording having
every season one piece, giving each season its own instrument.
This was also the time he has chosen GIGALDI as his
moniker. In winter 2013 he recorded, like every track on
“das ganze Doppelalbum”, “winter” in Ottensheim
with E-Bass, a dark, close to 16 minutes song. On
“frühling”, Gratt uses the flugelhorn, a following
composition of TUMIDO’s album “vakuum”, that was completely
recored using wind instruments. On the 2nd LP,
“sommer” was recored in Schrattenberg in 2016, Gratt
uses the Tres, a cuban string instrument and “herbst”,
with E-Guitar, he recorded in a gym hall with an amzing
acoustica in Vinac, Bosnia. His Tumido fellow Mario
Stadler mixed
the album at the Goon Studios / Linz / Austria.
Mastering done by legendary Alexander Jöchtl aka Audiobomber. The
artwork was done by artist Inga Hehn. The liner notes in
the album, are written bei Andreas Fellinger of the
Austrian Independent zine “Freistil”. Released by
Interstellar Records, that collaborated with Gigi for more
than 10 Years resulting in the releases of TUMIDO, NI and
Interpenetration website
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