**H-I-T** [Interpenetration] Annabelle Playe und ff fischer*koger am 1.3. bei Interpenetration im Wakuum

chmafu nocords chmafu at nocords.net
Di Feb 27 09:35:08 CET 2018

 chmafu                 nocords (http://nocords.net) newsletters
 Konzertreihe (http://interpenetration.net)01.03.2018
 Annabelle Playe
 ff fischer*koger 
 in Zusammenarbeit mit Club Wakuum
 Club Wakuum
 Griesgasse 25
 8020 Graz
 Einlass: 20:00 
 Konzert: 21:00

 Aktuelle Informationen und Videos: http://interpenetration.net

 Für alle jene unter euch, die dringend sonne brauchen, also für
alle             unter euch, und für jene unter euch, die gerne
kochen und für die,             die gerne kommunizieren, heute die
empfehlung, zu den             Küchengesprächen mit dem sonnenschein
Isolte Avila vom Sign Dance             Collective zu kommen. Um 16
uhr geht es los. Mehr infos hier
 Und am Donnerstag dann wieder einmal ein noisiges Interpenetration!
 ff koger-fischer
 Present – Option – Decision – Multilog –
 2 anaologe feedback systems
 Surface – Layer – Space – Texture in Ephemeral
 Michael Fischer, feedback-saxophone
 Peter Koger, analogue video-feedback (MediaOpera)
 Peter Koger works as a video artist, visualist, programmer,          
    interactive and Animation designer and universal media craftsman  
            in numerous art projects, mainly in the field of video and
              perfomative art. Lecturer at the University of Applied
Art,               Institute of Visual and Media Art. founding member
various               initiatives to promote the art of visual
artists, co-founder of               MediaOpera.
 In 1999, Michael Fischer began to integrate the phenomenon of        
      acoustic feedback into his instrumental works and developed an  
            exclusively analog, non-effect-based instrument that uses
micro-               and macro-movements of the instrument / body,
creating texture               through vocal intervention,
the hidden sonic reflections               of the space itself, this
space gets shifted, moved, transformed…
 Annabelle Playe
 Sometimes atmospheric, sometimes noisy, harmonic or dissonant        
      music takes us across states that open the perception we have of
              the world, others and ourselves. Music is played live
based on a               device made of analogic synthesizers, filters
and effects. Sound               is waving between electronic and
electroacoustic music, some of               them made from different
sources (voices, concrete sounds) are               processed, put
into spaces and mixed to analogic.

 Interpenetration                 website
 chmafu nocords auf                 youtube
 <a href="mailto:office at dieeintrittskarte.at">

Available in many colors
and                 styles:

Bio and Fair Trade!
 Printed at Siebdruckeria (http://www.siebdruckeria.at/)

If you want one, come to our                 shows or write an        
          email (mailto:interpenetration at nocords.net).



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