**H-I-T** [Interpenetration] PGR und Riccardo La Foresta am 5.4. live bei Interpenetration im Wakuum

chmafu nocords chmafu at nocords.net
Mi Apr 4 09:57:03 CEST 2018

 chmafu                 nocords (http://nocords.net) newsletters
 Konzertreihe (http://interpenetration.net) 05.04.2018
 Riccardo La Foresta
 in Zusammenarbeit mit Club Wakuum
 Club Wakuum
 Griesgasse 25
 8020 Graz
 Einlass: 20:00 
 Konzert: 21:00

 Aktuelle Informationen und Videos: http://interpenetration.net

 Jetzt direkt nach Ostern ist es die beste zeit für einen            
Amerikanischen abend. Interpenetration präsentiert also zwei         
   hochspannende soloprojekte aus Italien. Ein Drahtseilakt jagt das  
          Drummophone. Let's make 2018 great again!
 non empathetic, annoying, comfortable, honest, unemotional abstract  
          celebration of nonsense since 12-12-12 (NNO action).
Medicine for             life boredom and isolation from the world.
>From dynamic to static             as-loud-as-possible violence.
 Riccardo La Foresta
 Riccardo La Foresta is a
drummer, percussionist and improviser that  
          plays with a prepared bassdrum and move far away from
 Among several extended techniques, he mainly uses a unique blowing   
         technique through a self-made wind instrument obtained from a
            cymbal, treating the drum as a true wind instrument.
 It’s called Drummophone and has been officially presented at Tempo 
           Reale (founded by composer Luciano Berio).
 Riccardo has played in italy, Swiss, Sweden, Germany, Belgium,       
     Poland, Holland, France and has collaborated with Axel Dörner,
Le             Quan Ninh, Michel Doneda, Otomo Yoshihide, Sho Shin Duo
among many             others.
 He has recorded on lable such as Setola di Maiale Label, El Gallo    
        Rojo, Troglosound and his music has been broadcasted in Italy,
USA,             Canada and England.
 Active in Modena as a drum teacher and organizers of experimental    
        concert he leads his own avantjazz
quartet Kind Of Mosh and is
half             of Sho Shin Duo, long standing collaboration with
reedist Riccardo             Marogna.
 Riccardo               La Foresta on youtube

 Interpenetration                 website
 chmafu nocords auf                 youtube
 <a href="mailto:office at dieeintrittskarte.at">

Available in many colors and                 styles:

Bio and Fair Trade!
 Printed at Siebdruckeria (http://www.siebdruckeria.at/)

If you want one, come to our                 shows or write an        
          email (mailto:interpenetration at nocords.net).




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