**H-I-T** [Interpenetration] Simiskina und Alessandro Vicard am 19.01. bei Interpenetration im 茶々丸 (chachamaru)
chmafu nocords
chmafu at nocords.net
Di Jan 17 14:46:56 CET 2017
chmafu nocords (http://nocords.net) newsletters
Konzertreihe (http://interpenetration.net)
Alessandro Vicard
in Zusammenarbeit mit KiG Kultur in Graz
茶々丸 @ Baustelle
Lagergasse 98A
8020 Graz
Einlass: 19:00
Eintritt: €2-6
Aktuelle Informationen und Videos: http://interpenetration.net
Das einzige,was uns mit U2 verbindet, ist, dass ein gewisser
portaler schluszsong unser beider hymne sein könnte (und die
unsere auch tatsächlich ist). Trotzdem wird es diesen
Donnerstag von Bach über Scelsi über Impro bis hin zu den
Strolling Ones so ziemlich alles geben, was mit U2 ganz
und gar nichts zu tun hat. Weshalb wir auch zu recht die
oben erwähnte hymne in unserem wappen fühlen.
Simiskina is a duo consisting of Jonas Cambien &
Adrian Myhr, playing acoustic improvised music. The
duo is based
in Oslo and the music is rooted in Oslos vibrant scene for
improvised music. Simiskina uses prepared piano and
extended techniques on double bass to create multiple layers of
ever changing rhythmic patterns, which occasionally grow
together and flow apart again. Sometimes very dense, and
other times open and meditative, the duo creates varied
music rich on details and textures.
Both players have established themselves as notable improvisers in
both Norway and abroad through a series of recordings and
performances. Simiskina will release its first album as a
duo on the Portuguese label Clean Feed in June 2017.
Adrian Myhr is a Norwegian bass player known from bands like Dr.
Kay & His Interstellar Tone Scientists, Whirl, simiskina,
Bansal Band, Oker, Humdinger, Pet Zoo and Myhr /Doneda. He is
very active and versatile musician, focusing on
improvised music. He has played in the most important
venues and festivals in Norway, and has toured much of
the world.
Jonas Cambien is a Belgian pianist and composer, who has lived in
Oslo since 2008. With a background in both classical music
and jazz, he is active in the Norwegian environment for
contemporary and improvised music, and playing in bands
like Platform, Aksiom and Karokh. He also leads his own
trio, which recently released its debut on Clean Feed
Records, to critical acclaim.
Alessandro Vicard
Esplorazioni dal basso
Erforschung aus der Tiefe
Eine Reise von der Barockmusik bis zur Gegenwart ohne Grenzen
oder Barrieren. Eine Expedition in die technischen und
expressiven Möglichkeiten des Kontrabass, quer durch
stilistische und
idiomatische Unterschiede zwischen
Komposition und Improvisation. Als Soloperformance eines
Instruments, das vornehmlich begleitend, maximal
phasenweise solierend in Jazzformationen bekannt ist,
eröffnet Alessandro Vicard aussergewöhnliche Klang- und
Seelenwelten des Kontrabass: Eine Rarität.
Mit Musik von J.S.Bach, Hans Werner Henze, A. Vicard, Giacinto
Scelsi, Nicholas Maw und Rolling Stones.
Interpenetration website
chmafu nocords auf youtube
<a href="mailto:office at dieeintrittskarte.at">
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Bio and Fair Trade!
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email (mailto:interpenetration at nocords.net).
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