**H-I-T** Open Call - The Future Of The Past, a three days Work Lab with Tabita Rezaire
Jogi Hofmüller - TFOTP
tfotp at mur.at
Di Aug 22 16:15:33 CEST 2017
We cordially invite you to mur.at’s The Future Of The Past, a three
days Work Lab with Tabita Rezaire. In the first half of December 2017,
we are asking you to participate in the unique setting and situation of
a Work Lab held in Graz, Austria.
The intention of the Work Lab is to create an environment to share
ideas, knowledge, problems, dissent, solutions, utopia and future
strategies on the guiding theme of the Archive. Stated by Markus
Miessen and Yann Chateigné as a productive space of conflict, questions
that will be asked are how do digital archives look like, what are
their contributions, what are their limits, what are their threats as
well as who decides what is to be archived and how is the information
used. With those questions pending and at the centre of the Work Lab’s
artistic and intellectual involvement, the outcome (an exhibition, a
reading, a performance, a showing, a listening, etc.) is completely up
to the dynamics of the Work Lab.
As a reference and starting point we invited Tabita Rezaire to take
part in the Work Lab. The Guyanese/Danish new media artist challenges
and confronts the dominant narratives that everything of value emerged
from the West, as she explains in an interview with Unlabelled
Magazine. Mainly through video installation, digital prints as well as
her community based practices of healing (e.g. performances or yoga
work, etc.) she describes her work as her contribution to a non
western-centric history/herstory/ theirstory of knowledge, explaining
it even more detailed as a practice of repositioning oneself within the
narratives of the past: for instance looking at computing science in
relation to divination systems; the internet in relation to the ocean
and colonial shipping routes; mental health as a spiritual affair or
understanding femme energy not as something to be afraid of but as a
pathway to the divine.
Two to four artists_theorists_thinkers_scientists will be selected by
this Open Call. What is asked of you, besides openness and joy, is not
only to take part in the Work Lab itself, but also in the discussions,
the dialogue (via E-Mail, Skype or whatever else format you find) and
the research that lead up to it.
For your participation in The Future Of The Past, a three days Work Lab
with Tabita Rezaire, please send in a short application letter (max. ½
page), stating what interests you on why you want to participate in the
project as well as a short CV (max. 1 page) to tfotp at mur.at .
Deadline for submissions: 11th September 2017, 11:59 pm
The following will be provided:
600 Euro fee
covering of travel expenses
covering of material expenses (if needed)
food (at the venue)
For a closer look on Tabita’s work as well as reviews of and remarks on
her work, see the following links:
You might also want to take a look at two discussions held at Forum
Stadtpark in in March 2017:
The Future Of The Past
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