**H-I-T** Einladung/Invitation: SA 2016-11-26 17:00 Uhr
Jogi Hofmüller - mur.at
jogi at mur.at
Di Nov 22 16:30:33 CET 2016
Guten Abend,
Goldjian, die zur Zeit bei mur.at residiert und arbeitet lädt zu ihrer
Installation in der Leitnergasse 7 ein.
Come a join us for the opening of:
Loving Constellations
a participatory installation about feminist, healing and decolonial
@ Mur.At
Saturday nov 26th
from 5-7 pm
Tea and food will be served !
An offering
by goldjian,
visiting from Tio'tia:ke
unceeded mohawk land
aka Montreal, Canada
A constellation is an ensemble of stars whose appearance from a
specific/situated position make them look visibily close enough that
civilisations draw links between them, creating meaningful shapes. To
constellate is a practice that allows us to make sense, to allign
ourselves (Estela López Solís), and possibly to find lights and grow
roots in a sky quite devoid of stars (Sheree Renee Thomas citing Martin
Luther King and Octavia Butler.)
This constellation aims at fostering hope, bonds and imagination by
making visible feminist hacking practices and contemporary forms of
healing and decolonization. She aims at looking at the loving celestial
and terrestrial bodies that are being cared for in our exploitative
colonial and ecocidal capitalist sky, from which we know too well the
paleness. Remaining conscious of the ambient doldrums, the design of
this constellation involves travels, discoveries, encounters, joint
explorations and the collection of meaningful narratives.This immersive
and participatory installation recreates a terrestrial-celestial vault,
offering a collective navigation interface for the discovery of
visionary practices and fictions.
Buidling upon fragmented memories, ewast, analog and low tech devices
and generative loving practices and imaginations, this installation
will present three related constellation s :
1. a terrestrial and celestial geolocalisation of feminist decolonial
and healing hacking initiatives
2. a visualisation of THF documentation*
3. a presentation of contemporory concepts, issues and questions that
inhabitate the winds between and from those collective bodies.
Even if they tend to become a reference that draw upon their reader
some forms of directions,
we are aware that all constellations are subjective and culturally
constructed. Therefor, all the presented constellations will be open to
edition and contribution. Feminist epistomologies tells us that
knowledge is always partial and subjective, incomplete and contextual.
A technofeminist standpoint remind us that digital and human memory are
always subjected to loss and reformulation, and that power lies into
its saving and forms of diffusions. We consider archiving as collective
responsability from wich we write us into the present and build
desirable futures.
* The third iteration of THF!2016 occured in august 2016 in StudioXX,
Tio'tia:ke, aka Montreal with the thematics : decolonize technologies,
hacking with care, autonomy of infrastructure and feminist pedagogies.
The first iteration occured in Calafou, a eco-industrial colony based
in the montains next to Barcelona. In between, the 2nd edition took
place in Mexico. Due to minimal financial support and geographical
distance, they've been very little crossing of attendance between the 3
editions. This time together is aimed at documentating the 3rd edition
as well as making connexions with what happened in the previous
Looking forward seeing you there,
Sagen wir auch :)
\\ j.hofmüller DI-FR 10 bis 16 Uhr || TU-FR 10am to 4pm
\\ phone: +43 (0)316 821 451 55
\\ http://mur.at/ mur.at - Verein zur Förderung von Netzwerkkunst
\\ j.hofmüller DI-FR 10 bis 16 Uhr || TU-FR 10am to 4pm
\\ phone: +43 (0)316 821 451 55
\\ http://mur.at/ mur.at - Verein zur Förderung von Netzwerkkunst
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