**H-I-T** Einladung zu Gastvorträgen: Combining Ethnology and Futures Research & Erased of Slovenia
volkskunde, VOKU (volkskunde@uni-graz.at)
volkskunde at uni-graz.at
Fr Apr 22 13:25:30 CEST 2016
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Ich darf Sie sehr herzlich zu folgenden beiden Vorträgen einladen:
Combining Ethnology and Futures Research.
The cases of assistance animals and mobile services in 2040's.
Researcher Jussi Lehtonen from University of Turku, Finland, discuss how to combine ethnology
and futures research methods. His doctoral thesis about mobile services in Finnish
countryside and his post doctoral research about assistance animals and senior citizens are
containing qualitative methods of futures research. With these two cases Lehtonen shows
how to create ethnological scenarios for 2040's
Erased of Slovenia.
Changes in citizenship regimes and their impacts on everyday life.
Sara Pistotnik works on the phenomenon of statelessness in the region of ex Yugoslavia and
tries to answer questions why it happened, which shapes it took, and how it was experienced
by stateless people in their everyday lives. In this lecture she will present the case of the
erased of Slovenia: Slovenian residents, whose permanent residency status was unconstitutionally
erased after Slovene independence from Yugoslavia in 1991. She will explain how
this severe institutional violence happened, what were its consequences, and how it was
struggled against.
Gastvorträge im Rahmen des Doktoratskolloquiums am Institut für Volkskunde und Kulturanthropologie.
Donnerstag, 28. April 2016,17:00 Uhr
Seminarraum 34.04, Attemsgasse 25 I, EG, 8010 Graz
Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen!
Mit herzlichen Grüßen,
Ruth Eggel
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