**H-I-T** [Interpenetration] Tara Transitory, Soviet Love und Lonesome Hot Dudes am 27.05. bei Interpenetration im Wakuum
chmafu nocords
chmafu at nocords.net
Mo Mai 25 13:50:08 CEST 2015
chmafu nocords (http://nocords.net) newsletters
Konzertreihe (http://interpenetration.net)27.05.2015 (mi)
Tara Transitory aka One Man Nation
Lonesome Hot Dudes
Soviet Love
Club Wakuum
Griesgasse 25
8020 Graz
Einlass: 20:00
Konzertbeginn: 21:00
Aktuelle Informationen und Videos: http://interpenetration.net
Manchmal wird man nachdenklich und stellt sich fragen wie "Warum
heissen die blaubeeren so, wenn sie doch gar nicht blau sind? Und auch
keine bären." Ganz in diesem sinne wollen wir uns in der letzten
interpenetranten veranstaltung vor dem sommer mit dem thema nomadentum
beschäftigen. Denn gerade jetzt so knapp vor der reisezeit brennt uns
allen dieses thema unter den segeln. Um diese zu setzen, bleibt uns
aber keine zeit, weil wir jetzt erst recht aufstehen und uns das nicht
länger gefallen lassen. Nomadeira ist eine unendliche anzahl von
inseln zwischen bisher als fix angenommenen festländern. Und diese
werden wir bereisen, um dort
die nomade und ihre kultur zu studieren.
Und das alles, ohne nach Italien zu fahren, um den backhendlbereingten
eiffelturm zu sehen.
Noch ein kleiner hinweis: Dank förderungen der stadt Graz (kultur)
ist es möglich, dass Interpenetration im September zurückkommt und
euch zumindest bis ende des jahres konzerte in der üblichen qualität
bringen kann. Dank förderstreichung des landes (kultur, europa,
aussenbeziehungen) ist allerdings die fortführung 2016 mehr als
Ich erwähne das, weil einerseits wahlen vor der tür stehen und die
eine oder andere vielleicht noch eine entscheidungshilfe braucht, aber
auch, weil im augenblick noch immer der einspruch gegen die
entscheidung des landes läuft und ihr durch unterschreiben dieser
petition mithelfen könnt:
Und für den fall, dass jemand von euch die veranstaltung auch noch
mit ein paar euro
unterstützen will, findet ihr die bankdaten unten
auf dieser seite http://interpenetration.net/impressum/. Wem paypal
lieber ist: chmafu at nocords.net
Oder bestellt CDs bei unserem label - die aktuellsten releases am
ende dieses newsletters. Auch t-shirts sind noch zu haben.
Wer im sommer unsere konzerte vermisst kann auf
http://interpenetration.net die meisten in voller länge noch einmal
hören und sehen. Ich wünsche viel vergnügen und einen schönen
sommer und verschwinde mit der frage "Warum können füsse riechen und
nasen laufen?"
Tara Transitory aka One Man Nation
“Chia’s artistic identity is one that defies the artificial
borders and boundaries of the modern nation state. Going beyond the
notion of the individual simply as a constituent of a nation and its
projected cultural identity, (s)he bypasses the need for mass appeal
or approval and instead subscribes to the independent nature that
characterises folk – the resistance to a
canon.” – June Yap,
“My recent researches have been focused a lot on relationships
between spirits and sounds, music and trance, shamanism and dance. For
such experiences i obviously looked deep into traditional music, old
rituals and uses of music to transfigure the body to some other
extents. It’s quite fascinating that such a person like Marc, who is
involving himself so much in very advanced technology, could recall
such ancient approaches to music. From this film made with him in
Singapore, my ideas about bridges between technology and spirituality
went further. What i had developed personally for a few years, this
intuition that the ultimate goal of technology in our age is to help
us to reconnect with our own blood, he was personifying it in the most
incredible way.” – Vincent Moon
Tara Transitory aka One Man Nation is an experimental musician with
a background in media and sound art. She is trans, nomadic and is
currently investigating
transgender history in south-east asia as well
as the intersections of gender, noise and ritual through performances
and the collective experience of creating ephemeral cathartic
happenings with trans*queer communities everywhere.
Originally from Singapore, she splits his time between Asia|Europe
where she co-directs and sends out smoke signals from
the International //gender|o|noise\\ Underground together with
Miriam de Saxe, and organizes the trans*queer
themed Translæctica nights.
Tara performs solo as One Man Nation, with Truna as { 23 Shadows of
Amnesia } and with Pierre Bastien as Mecanation. She has
collaborated extensively and her past collaborations include Vincent
Moon, C-drik Fermont, Kato Hideki, Hilary Jeffrey, Richard
Scott, Alfredo Genovesi and Soopa Collective; has performed
internationally at the Guggenheim Museum(Bilbao), Museum
Art (Taipei), ISEA (Ruhr), Mapping (Geneva), Piksel (Bergen), MEM (Bilbao), STEIM
Jamboree (Amsterdam), Makeart (Poitiers), Fete 0.1
(Orléans), SummerLAB (Gijon), Steirischer Herbst (Graz) and Sonic
Protest (Paris) amongst others.
<a href="http://www.onemannation.com/" target="_blank">
Lonesome Hot Dudes
The Fairy Tale of Lonesome Hot Dudes
Lonesome Hot Dudes (LSD) is a band-project founded in November 2014
by Lina-Maria (Lust-)Gärtner and Magdalena Elvira (Or-)Gasser, two
thirds of the band Just Friends and Lovers.
The origins of LSD
are perhaps to be found in a performance they did in October 2013 for
the Queerograd-Festival in Graz, Austria, under the name “S.T.D. –
Sexually Transmitted Disorders”. Part of that performance was a
noise-music piece performed by the fictional band “Lonesome Hot
Dudes” (by then a parody on typical “male”-associated rock
tumblr_inline_nih2v3dyNd1t7iz42.jpg ¬
One year later the real Lonesome Hot Dudes had their come-back
and expanded their line-up.
When Lina and Lena were banging
real hard in their rehearsal room they thought that a singer was
missing. Without even knowing if she liked to sing, they thought about
Reni Hofmüller. Surprisingly they ran into that person the same night
and the three of them had their first rehearsals the next morning.
Going out some days later, the next scouting happened.
“See how she’s dancing? I bet she’s a hell of a Saxophone
player!” That’s when Isabella Hollauf stepped in.
The gang
had their debut at the legendary numavi-records tweety party 2014,
where they presented their first songs (of which by then demos had
already been recorded by Ladida-Studios’ Christian Sundl). After the
concert Eva Ursprung complained that a bass was missing and therefore
successfully applied for the task.
Lonesome Hot Dudes are
about how everything will turn out, what can happen and be created.
They will sometimes perform in limited or altered wo_manning, because
they want to say “YES!” to as many concerts as possible and
because they like to try out new collaborations.
lonesomehotdudes.tumblr.com (http://lonesomehotdudes.tumblr.com/)
<a href="http://lonesomehotdudes.tumblr.com/" target="_blank">
Soviet Love
Trio of noise improvisation that born by the meeting of different and
complementary worlds: the performative vocal and objects of Annalisa
Pascai Saiu and the eclectic doublebass/electric
bass player Michele Anelli and the drummer Emilio Bernè.
Soviet Love propose a trip around several poetic worlds interpreted,
destroyed, decomposed, taken to the extreme.
“In the beginning was the word, he said, and the word was the
They have made many live sets and make two tapes releases by No
-Civilitazion in China-
-Una Manu, sa Sole, s’Asilu, sa Laliu-
Interpenetration website (http://interpenetration.net)
chmafu nocords auf youtube (http://www.youtube.com/user/marufura)
<a href="mailto:office at dieeintrittskarte.at">
Available in many colors and styles:
Bio and Fair Trade!
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If you want one, come to our shows or write an email
(mailto:interpenetration at nocords.net).
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