**H-I-T** [Interpenetration] Daniel Lercher & Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø am 18.03. bei Interpenetration im Wakuum
chmafu nocords
chmafu at nocords.net
So Mär 15 09:14:29 CET 2015
chmafu nocords (http://nocords.net) newsletters
Konzertreihe (http://interpenetration.net)18.03.2015 (mi)
Daniel Lercher & Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø
Club Wakuum
Griesgasse 25
8020 Graz
Einlass: 20:00
Aktuelle Informationen und Videos: http://interpenetration.net
Die IG Kultur Steiermark hat sich ins zeug gelegt und zahlen zu den
kulturzerschmetterungen des landes Steiermark veröffentlicht.
Nachzulesen hier
Ausserdem laufen auf change.org noch petitionen der IG Kultur
und von Interpenetration
die beide unterstützung verdienen. Wer also noch nicht unterschrieben
hat, überlege sich bitte, ob es nicht in ihrem
interesse wäre, das
zu tun. Und alle anderen könnten sich zwei, drei menschen einfallen
lassen, die vielleicht unterschreiben wollen, aber möglicherweise
noch nicht bescheid wissen und diese informieren.
Und wer ganz allgemein die nase voll hat vom kapitalistischen terror,
kann dann gleich hier (https://www.campact.de) die nächsten zeichen
Meticulously shaped sound events are mixed with long trembling shades
to create a silent intensity.
Daniel and Henrik met in the Czech republic summer 2010 as part of
the Czech-Norwegian-Austrian “Önczkekvist improvising orchestra”,
and has worked together on and off as a duo since then. Their debut cd
“TH_X” was released by the Austrian label chmafu nocords in 2014.
«This duo investigate the basic fragments of sound. The breaths that
operate the acoustic spectrum of the trombone and its meeting points
with laptop-produced minimalist hiss, sine waves and noises, all
processed and filtered with a
special software that Lercher devised.
Lercher and Nørstebø merge these sound sources into distinct fragile
and almost transparent sonic entities, surprising in their cohesive
power and spontaneous freedom. The five meticulous pieces are delicate
and abstract sonic storms.»
– Eyal Hareuveni, All about jazz
«Very intense and very beautiful and perhaps at thirty-six minutes,
not long enough for my taste.»
– Frans de Waard, Vital Weekly
«Ein Paradebeispiel für gehobenen bzw. anspruchsvollen Noise!»
– Kulturterrorismus
«Grandi silenzi, suoni e rumori sparsi, vibrazioni in basse
frequenze ed oscillazioni sugli autci.»
– Emiliano Grigis, Sodapop
Daniel Lercher was born in the Austrian countryside, and now lives
and works in Vienna. He is a graduate of the course in computermusic
and electronic media at the Vienna University of Music and Performing
Arts. Lercher’s work focuses on electroacoustic
composition/improvisation, live-electronic,
installations, radioart, music for dance & film, etc. He has
collaborated with numerous national and international musicians &
Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø lives in Oslo, where he is currently doing
a masters degree in improvised music. An ongoing love/hate
releationship with the trombone has led him to explore both the
boisterous and brassy side of the instrument, as well as it’s
microscopic and ‘electronic’ sound possibilities. His varying
interests comes to play in bands/ensembles like As deafness increases,
Lana trio, Nørstebø/Strid/de Heney, Whirl (with Tobias Delius),
Skadedyr, Aksiom and in duo collaborations with a.o. Rasmus Borg,
Adrian Myhr and Daniel Lercher, projects that are ranging from
so-called reductionism and free improv to free jazz and contemporary
composed music.
Interpenetration website (http://interpenetration.net)
chmafu nocords auf youtube
<a href="mailto:office at dieeintrittskarte.at">
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Bio and Fair Trade!
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