**H-I-T** "Short Radio Night" of Cultural Anthropology
Giesen, Vera (vera.giesen@uni-graz.at)
vera.giesen at uni-graz.at
Mo Jun 15 08:39:20 CEST 2015
"Short Radio Night" of Cultural Anthropology
Thursday night, June 25th to 26th, will be broadcast all night the seminar presentations of "Night: a cultural analysis". We invite you to listen to Radio Helsinki 96.2 MHz from sunset to sunrise: see also http://helsinki.at/news/short-radio-night. It is simultaneously the closing event of "Iterations" by esc medien kunst labor.
The core programme starts 11 pm and ends at sunrise 05:09 am. The seminar is held in the premises of esc, medien kunst labor, Palais Trauttmansdorff, Bürgergasse 5. Interested people are welcome to meet us and be revived with a coffee.
Performers are Alexandra Hoffmann, Hannah Mautner, Paola Mecollari, Johanna Menhard, Birgit Polzer, Isabella Schmidsberger, Amy Sparling, Karina Stefan, Justin Winkler and guests from other seminars. We thank the Radio Helsinki collective and esc's director Reni Hofmüller for technical support.
Informations: Justin Winkler, justin.winkler at uni-graz.at<mailto:justin.winkler at uni-graz.at>
Vera Giesen
Institut für Volkskunde und Kulturanthropologie
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
Attemsgasse 25/I, A-8010 Graz
Tel.: ++43(0)316 380 2581
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