**H-I-T** Eröffnung /Opening, 12. Juni, 20h /8pm: wow! Woven? Entering the (sub)Textiles & Konzert /Concert DUBAIS
Künstlerhaus. Halle für Kunst & Medien
info at km-k.at
Mi Jun 3 16:04:30 CEST 2015
Halle für Kunst & Medien
Burgring 2, 8010 Graz, Austria
please scroll down for English version
wow! Woven?
Entering the (sub)Textiles
Anna-Sophie Berger, Heidi Bucher, Merlin Carpenter, Ines Doujak / John Barker, Manfred Erjautz, Rubén Grilo, Sheila Hicks, Ann Cathrin November Høibo, Helena Huneke, Hannah James, Marie Lund, Christian Mayer, Lisa Oppenheim, Judith Raum, Sascha Reichstein, Amanda Ross-Ho, Yorgos Sapountzis, Constanze Schweiger, Johannes Schweiger, Ingrid Wiener
kuratiert von Christian Egger
Eröffnung: 12.06.2015, 20:00
CMRK Sommerfest / Konzert DUBAIS: 12.06.2015, 21:00, http://www.km-k.at/de/event/dubais/
Dank an Kombüse
An Art Day's Night / Rahmenprogramm: http://www.km-k.at/de/events/current/
WOW! TEXTIL! Ferien-Workshops: http://www.km-k.at/de/art-education/
Publikation in Vorbereitung
Medienpartnerschaft: Der Standard
CMRK Eröffnungen und Shuttle-Service Wien-Graz-Wien zur Eröffnung: www.cmrk.org
Das Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien präsentiert mit wow! Woven? Entering the (sub)Textiles eine Ausstellung über zwei Ebenen des Hauses, die sich den vielfältigen Fragen widmet, die „Textilien“ als Medium und Material in einer an Vernetzungsmetaphern reichen Gegenwart in der Auseinandersetzung zeitgenössischer Kunstpraxen einnehmen.
Seit jeher in nahezu allen Kulturen in gesellschaftsprägender Verwendung scheint das Textile geradezu prädestiniert für inhaltliche politische Aufladung, Verwendung und Betrachtung auch außerhalb handwerklicher Kontexte und dessen Verhandelbarkeit auf einer künstlerischen Ebene. Präzise Befragungen hinsichtlich seiner allgemeinen Vertrautheit, seiner sinnlichen Qualität, seiner ihm primär eingeschriebenen Merkmale und seines über Jahrtausende global entwickelten Reichtums an Webarten, Texturen und Arbeiten unternahmen in jüngerer Vergangenheit zahlreiche große und umfassende Ausstellungsprojekte, die zu einer Renaissance und einer Neubewertung des Textilen beitrugen und seine die klassisch-hierarchische Werk-, Bild- und Objektbegriffe hinterfragende Qualität betonen konnten. wow! Woven? Entering the (sub)Textiles akzentuiert seinen Ausstellungsfokus schwerpunktmäßig auf Arbeiten, die Aspekte künstlerisch investigativer Auseinandersetzungen mit der Geschichte und Rolle der Textilindustrie innerhalb einer kapitalistischen Form der Warenproduktion und der Art der Organisation der Produktionsweisen dabei anführen.
Vor diesem inhaltlichen Hintergrund versammelt „wow! Woven? Entering the (sub) Textiles" eine Vielzahl ausgewählter Arbeiten, die eine reflexive Spannbreite der Verwendung des Textilen zwischen greifbarem Material, bedeutungstragendem Medium, Technik und Idee aufführen, die die generelle Fragilität des Materials vergegenwärtigen, mediale Übersetzungen wagen und ihre anhaltende Faszination belegen. Darunter befinden sich so außerordentliche Positionen wie Heidi Bucher, Sheila Hicks, Helena Huneke und Ingrid Wiener.
DUBAIS ist ein Projekt der transmedialen Künstlerin und Performerin Nadia Buyse aus Portland. Ihre musikalische Heimat ist der Punk, sie hat eine Vorliebe für Space Disco der späten 70er und Break-Beats der frühen 1980er und benutzt auch Videoclips, um Arrangements und Tempo ihrer Songs zu generieren. DUBAIS ist auch ein Vehikel, mit dem die Künstlerin Nadia Buyse untersucht, wie die Zeit die Erwartungen der Vergangenheit entmystifiziert. Im Rahmen des CMRK-Sommerfests im Anschluss an die Eröffnung von wow! Woven? Entering the (sub)Textiles wird DUBAIS eine ihrer multimedialen Konzert-Performances abhalten, bei der sie in ein faszinierendes Wechselspiel zwischen Publikum und einer Live-Projektion im Bühnenhintergrund tritt.
wow! Woven?
Entering the (sub)Textiles
Anna-Sophie Berger, Heidi Bucher, Merlin Carpenter, Ines Doujak / John Barker, Manfred Erjautz, Rubén Grilo, Sheila Hicks, Ann Cathrin November Høibo, Helena Huneke, Hannah James, Marie Lund, Christian Mayer, Lisa Oppenheim, Judith Raum, Sascha Reichstein, Amanda Ross-Ho, Yorgos Sapountzis, Constanze Schweiger, Johannes Schweiger, Ingrid Wiener
curated by Christian Egger
Opening: 12.06.2015, 8pm
CMRK Summer Party / Concert DUBAIS: 12.06.2015, 9pm, http://www.km-k.at/en/event/dubais/
Many thanks to Kombüse
An Art Day's Night / Supporting program: http://www.km-k.at/en/events/current/
WOW! TEXTIL! Summer workshops: http://www.km-k.at/en/art-education/
Publication in preparation
Media partnership: Der Standard
CMRK Eröffnungen und Shuttle-Service Wien-Graz-Wien zur Eröffnung:
With wow! Woven? Entering the (sub)Textiles, the Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien is presenting an exhibition that encompasses two of the venue’s levels. It is devoted to the diverse issues related to the position of “textiles” as medium and material in the exploration of contemporary art practices in this present age teeming with networking metaphors.
>From the very beginning in nearly all cultures and with usage impacting society, textiles have been veritably predestined for being charged with political content, and for use and consideration even outside of artisan contexts and the related negotiability on an artistic level. In the recent past, numerous large and comprehensive exhibitions have carried out exacting surveys on the general familiarity of the textile, on its sensory qualities, its uniquely inscribed features, and its wealth of weaving types, textures, and works developed globally over the centuries. Such projects have contributed to a renaissance and re-evaluation of textiles and emphasised their natural tendency to challenge the classically hierarchical concepts of work, image, and object. "wow! Woven? Entering the (sub) Textiles" accentuates its exhibition focus by concentrating on works that foster aspects of an artistically investigative exploration of history, including the role of the textile industry within the capitalist form of commodity production and the means of organising production methods.
Exhibition participant Rubén Grilo, for example, emphasises with a series of denim fabric works the onset of industrialisation as a turning point in our relationship with technologies. Once synonymous with a durable fabric for the working class and later symbolic of the Western individualist promise of freedom, today the visible wear and tear of jeans is designed through digital processes and implemented using laser irradiation before even hitting the market. This act allows the factors previously specific to strong work-, body-, and time-related wear to degenerate through mere simulation and thus highlights the changing body-work relations. The artist Sascha Reichstein, in turn, presents a large installative video work “The Production of Tradition” focused on the outsourced production of traditional clothing by example of lederhosen in Sri Lanka. She for instance explores the dissolution of formerly prevalent workmanship forms aligned to local conditions and the concomitant loss of traditional artisan techniques, regional distinctions, and the ability to identifying goods with specific locales.
The far-reaching history of the precarious working conditions within the textile industry, still unchanged today, and of the revolutionary potential of the textile workers in countering such abuse are thematised by Judith Raum. Presented in the exhibition, her research project “disestablish” takes the first weavers’ uprisings in fourteenth-century northern Italy as its point of departure and shows the textile to be a carrier material of social conflicts, with the artist using banners made of textile material to make this point.
The collaboration of Ines Doujak and John Barker in the form of the longstanding and still ongoing research project “LOOMSHUTTLES/WARPATHS” likewise examines the complex relations among fabric, clothing, and colonialism starting with the early forms of global capitalism. On the evening of the exhibition opening, shirts from the artists’ Haute Couture collection accompanying the project will be presented for sale as part of their exhibition presence. The shirts themselves represent a visualization of the the tight job-order calculations at the expense of safety precautions for the sewers employed at the textile mills.
Against this content-focused backdrop of the presented works, which particularly reflects on processes of production, wow! Woven? Entering the (sub)Textiles compiles a further variety of selected artworks that present a reflexive spectrum of textile use ranging between tangible material, meaning-laden medium, technique, and idea. The works of art thus embody the general fragility of the material, attempt mediatic translations, and confirm their enduring fascination, including extraordinary positions by Heidi Bucher, Sheila Hicks, Helena Huneke, and Ingrid Wiener.
DUBAIS is the project of the transmedia artist and performer Nadia Buyse from Portland. Her musical home is Punk, she has also a penchant for Space Disco of the late 70s and break-beats of the early 1980s and uses videoclips to generate arrangements and pace of her songs. DUBAIS is also a vehicle with which the artist Nadia Buyse analyzises how time demystifies past expectations. As part of the CMRK summer party following the opening of wow! Woven? Entering the (sub)Textiles, DUBAIS will do one of her beloved multimedia performances in which she provokes a fascinating interplay between audience and a live projection in the stage background.
Contact: hd at km-k.at
Unsubscribe: info at km-k.at
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