**H-I-T** Heinrich Dunst, Performance, 16.07., 18h /6pm & Public Seminar – Knowledge Forms and Forming Knowledge, (hosted by IZK), 17.07, 16h /4pm
Künstlerhaus. Halle für Kunst & Medien
info at km-k.at
Di Jul 14 11:44:44 CEST 2015
Halle für Kunst & Medien
Burgring 2, 8010 Graz, Austria
An Art Day's Night Ausgabe 93
& Rahmenprogramm OFFENER BETRIEB Graz 2015
2015 -18:00
Performance Heinrich Dunst
Film aus Mund / Hello Hand
2015 -16:00
Public seminar hosted by IZK - Institute for Contemporary Art
Knowledge Forms and Forming Knowledge
Am Donnerstag den 16. Juli um 18 Uhr laden wir herzlich zur 93. Ausgabe der Art Day's Night, zur Performance Film aus Mund / Hello Hand des Künstlers Heinrich Dunst ein, der aktuell den Workshop Bild/Schnitt/Wort im Rahmen des OFFENEN BETRIEB Graz 2015 gestaltet.
In seinen Live-Performances beschäftigt sich der Künstler Heinrich Dunst eindringlich mit den Unmöglichkeiten der exakten Wiedergabe eines Bildes mit den Mitteln der Sprache. Der Künstler stellt sich dabei selbst und aktiv drängenden Ausgangsfragen wie: Liegt das, was wir sehen, in dem was wir sagen? Ist das audio-visuelle Archiv nicht vielmehr deckungsgleich? Welche Wandlung erfahren Worte auf dem Weg von der Benennung zum Bild? In diesem Sinn untersuchen die Performances von Heinrich Dunst die Formen sprachlicher Repräsentation und das Ineinandergreifen verschiedener Medien an der Schnittstelle von Objekt, Sprache und Projektion, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der performativen Abweichungen innerhalb jeder Live-Situation.
We would like to warmly invite you to a two-part public seminar this week under the title Knowledge Forms and Forming Knowledge - Limits and Horizons of Transdisciplinary Art-Based Research. The program consists of a workshop/open working session on Thursday, July 16, from 12.00 - 19.00 at the IZK Institute for Contemporary Art, and of a public conference the following day, July 17th from 16 - 21.30 at the Künstlerhaus - Halle für Kunst & Medien open to all.
The overall seminar departs from an inquiry into the nature of artistic trans-disciplinarity and its epistemic relation to the manifold fields from which it draws conceptual and practical resources and poses the question: How are the forms of knowledge that art generates transformed by the the destabilization of the anthropocentric foundations of epistemology, the rise of machine cognition and recognition of the limits of disciplinary humanities? The public conference (free attendance) at the Künstlerhaus - Halle für Kunst & Medien brings together diverse interlocutors in short online and offline responses to probe the existing contours and potential horizons for artistic research. Interlocutors online and offline include: Milica Tomic, Jason Adams, Benjamin Bratton, Julieta Aranda, Bassam El Baroni, Anselm Franke, Adam Kleinman, Rachel O'Reilly, Ana Teixeira Pinto, Keith Tilford, Jelena Vesic, Rijin Sahakian, among others.
The event will be broadcasted globally on google + hangout. Please check the webpage for the live stream links: http://www.km-k.at
The seminar is organized by the IZK Institute for Contemporary Art/ Graz University of Technology in collaboration with The New Centre for Research & Practice (http://thenewcentre.org) and takes place in the framework of the Open Modes project (http://offenerbetrieb.mur.at/, while the conference takes place at the partner's venue - Künstlerhaus - Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz. The program has been initiated by Antonia Majaca, Visiting Prof. at the IZK and is co-organized with Patricia Reed and Mohammad Salemy, with the endorsement and participation of Prof. Milica Tomic, Head of the IZK Institute for Contemporary Art. We sincerely hope you will be able to join us in this exciting endevour to investigate the limits and horizons of trans-disciplinarity in the arts-based research, and simultaneously, join us in our first experiment with the digital arena as a space of mutual learning and exchange.
Contact: hd at km-k.at
Unsubscribe: info at km-k.at
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