**H-I-T** An Art Day's Night 18.09.2014, 18h: Publikationspräsentation / Publication launch K8 Hardy & Finissage aktuelle Ausstellungen / current shows
Künstlerhaus. Halle für Kunst & Medien
info at km-k.at
Di Sep 16 17:38:10 CEST 2014
Künstlerhaus KM–
Halle für Kunst & Medien
Burgring 2, 8010 Graz, Austria
please scroll down for English version
2014 -18:00
Publikationspräsentation K8 Hardy
Finissage André Butzer / Christian Eisenberger; K8 Hardy
Donnerstags bietet die Reihe „An Art Day's Night“ im Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien (KM–) bei freiem Eintritt Podiumsdiskussionen, Vorträge, Lectures, Katalogpräsentationen, thematische Zwiegespräche, Performances, Konzertauftritte von Künstlerbands, allgemeine Debatten zu und über Kunst...
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18.09.2014 Freier Eintritt am letzten Tag der aktuell laufenden Ausstellungen
27.09.2014, 16h: Eröffnung der Ausstellung „ordinary freaks – Das Prinzip Coolness in Popkultur, Theater und Museum“ (Koproduktion steirischer herbst), Eröffnungsperformance: Kevin Blechdom
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KunstlerhausHalleFurKunstMedien
Follow us on Instagram and tumblr: KuenstlerhausKM
Anlässlich der Finissage der Ausstellung YDRAH 8K wird im Künstlerhaus KM– der gleichnamige Katalog der New Yorker Künstlerin K8 Hardy präsentiert. Die grafische Gestaltung lag in den Händen von Nik Thoenen und Maia Gusberti, während Markus Krottendorfer die Foto-Dokumentation verantwortete. Neben einem kuratorischen Statement von Christian Egger hat K8 Hardy einen Text(e) geschrieben.
... The problem is too many people believe in there is value in keeping their mouth shut. I’ve also heard it called diplomacy. What is so wrong about getting something wrong? What is wrong about talking about what
is happening. We have to keep the truth in our personal life, in our working relationships. That’s how to stay safe. Wow I have a lot of advice or something. ...
Bestellung Publikation K8 Hardy (12 €): hd at km-k.at
2014 -6pm
Publication launch K8 Hardy
Finissage André Butzer / Christian Eisenberger; K8 Hardy
An Art Day’s Night: Thursday evenings a program of artist talks, panel discussions, lectures, catalogue presentations, performances, concerts and general discussions on and about art accompanies the current exhibitions at free admission at Künstlerhaus KM–, Halle für Kunst & Medien …
Save the dates:
18.09.2014 Free admission on the last day of the exhibitions on show
27.09.2014, 4pm: exhibition opening "ordinary freaks. The Principle of Coolness in Pop Culture, Theatre and Museum" (coproduction steirischer herbst), opening performance: Kevin Blechdom
On the occasion of the finissage of the exhibition YDRAH 8K, the homonymous publication of the New York based artist K8 Hardy will be presented. Nik Thoenen and Maia Gusberti were responsible for the graphic design, Markus Krottendorfer for the photo documentation. Beside a statement by Christian Egger, one/some text/s by K8 Hardy are included.
... The problem is too many people believe in there is value in keeping their mouth shut. I’ve also heard it called diplomacy. What is so wrong about getting something wrong? What is wrong about talking about what
is happening. We have to keep the truth in our personal life, in our working relationships. That’s how to stay safe. Wow I have a lot of advice or something. ...
To order the publication K8 Hardy (12 €) please contact hd at km-k.at
Contact: hd at km-k.at
Unsubscribe: info at km-k.at
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