**H-I-T** Elevate Festival 2014 - Eröffnung am Do.23.10.2014
Daniel Erlacher
dan at agit-doc.org
Di Okt 21 21:14:26 CEST 2014
*elevate festival 2014
ELEVATE FESTIVAL 2014 <http://www.elevate.at>*
/10 years disco and discourse in Graz
The Elevate Festival celebrates its 10th anniversary.
Eröffnung am Do.23.10.2014 ab 19:30 im Dom im Berg - Eintritt Frei!
Danceable club music, experimental sound art and world improvement - since 2005 the city of Graz is home to a festival that is one of a kind within Europe. Over several days human rights activists, climatologists, technology and media specialists, and political scientists as well as pioneers of electronic music, small DIY labels and avant-garde musicians of various subgenres occupy the tranquil town on the river Mur. Lectures, panel discussions, film screenings and workshops during the day, award ceremonies, concerts, performances, and DJ line-ups in the evening – with this concept the Elevate Festival became one of the most influential forerunners for intelligent participation in the context of advanced club culture.
*www.elevate.at <http://www.elevate.at/>*
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