**H-I-T** Empfehlung! AMRO Worklabs - Get your hands dirty - Register Now!
Reni Hofmueller
reni at mur.at
Mi Mai 14 16:32:40 CEST 2014
liebe alle!
seit einigen jahren schon organisiert das servus.at-team in linz rund um ushi
reiter im frühjahr eine ganz spezielle art von linux/opensource tagen
unter dem titel:
VOM 28. - 31. MAI
hier das programm!
sehr zu empfehlen
reni hofmüller
Feel free to join and register AMRO Worklabs.
1 & 2 (3) Worklab parts/days
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Wed 28.05.
LEAVEAMESSAGE box is participative project that attempts to initiate
a network of voice mailboxes that allow members of the public to
record and distribute audio messages in public space.
Get to know more about while helping install one box in front of the
Worklab with Yoana Buzova
Keywords: Open Systems, alternative communication, MAKE
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*Bibliotecha Lab 1 & 2*
Wed 28.05, Thu 29.05
Bibliotecha is a framework to facilitate the local distribution of
digital publications within a small community. It relies on a
microcomputer running open-source software to serve books over a
local wifi hotspot. Using the browser to connect to the library one
can retrieve or donate texts. Bibliotecha proposes an alternative
model of distribution of digital texts that allows specific
communities to form and share their own collections.
Worklab with André Castro, Roelof Roscam Abbing
Register: http://www.radical-openness.org/programm/2014/bibliotecha-lab
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*Revisiting The Spam Folder: Using 419-fiction For Interactive
Storytelling. A Practical Introduction. 1 & 2
Thu 29.05 (3h), 30.05 (1,5h)
This workshop will be offering the participants both a theoretical
and practical introduction to interactive narratives in
'419-fictional environments' created by internet scammers.
We seek to understand different sides of online fraud and through
creative storytelling reflect on issues like online privacy, virtual
representation and trust within networks.
Worklab with Andreas Zingerle, Linda Kronman
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Psychogeo-Amplifier Worklab 1 & 2
Thu 29.05
A short introduction (20 min) to participants will briefly cover the
theory of the effects on psyche by weak geo-electromagnetic fields
from which the project has developed, including demonstrating an
entirely synthetic electronic variant of the amplifier/helmet This
will ground participants in both the practical and playful nature of
the project. Hands on at afo.
Worklab with Jonathan Kemp
Fri 30.05 Meeting Point afo
Field trip to St. Margarethen to hook up the machine to the geology;
Keywords: Wired Stuff, Strange things, Fun
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Unpleasant Design Research Lab & Tour 1 & 2
Thu 29.05, Fri 30.05
In recent years cities have become victim of a growing surveillance
and control trend, manifested in a variety of unpleasant
installations in public space. Its maintenance is increasingly
outsourced to uncomfortable urban furniture and smart surveillance
systems that serve as "silent agents" of social control and order
Keywords: Introduction, Hands on, Linz City Tour, Mapping
Worklab with Selena Savić
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Thu 29.05.
A PirateBox, designed in 2011 by David Darts, is a portable
electronic device, often consisting of a router and a device for
storing information, creating a wireless network that allows users
who are connected to share files anonymously and locally. By
definition, this device is disconnected from the Internet.
Experimental Picnic
A workla with Adnan Hadzi, James Stevens, Larisa Blazic, Rob Canning
Keywords: Picnic, Hacklab, Intervention
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Unitary Networking 1& 2 & 3
Thu 29.05., Fri 30.05., Sat 31.05.
Unitary Networking is a speculative approach to communications
infrastructure, trying to establish a link between urban technology
and communication technology and reflecting on the way they form
networks of power. The first day will explain the technologies
involved and the various elements that we could play with. The
participants will be able to make their own nodes for the network
and we will think about how these nodes could fit in the public
space. On the second day we would like to go outside to set up the
network in the streets and/or the public transport of Linz.
Worklab with Martino Morandi, Andre Castro, Roel Roscam Abbing
Keywords: Hacklab, Intervention
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Worklab Exposing the Invisible
Fri 30.05 (2h)
This workshop deals with the question of how to develop methods of
intervention based on theoretical concepts and how interventionist
practice can bring new insights helping to further develop theory.
The artivist renfah will give us a brief overview of theoretical
concepts applicable to the topic of power distribution and hegemony.
Based on participants contributions we will discuss various methods
and approaches and cooperatively elaborate approaches of „exposing
the invisibvle“. The aim oft he workshop is to develop models of
visualizing networks of power and their representations.
Keywords: Theorie into practice
Worklab with Margaritha Köhl, Markus Hafner
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DATA UNION discussion group
Fri 30.05. (2h)
Data Union is a project by The Analogue Group. It aims to create a
viral union of data refugees, whose only possession is their data,
as an experiment in everyday life, that is, as a laboratory of
innovation for the autonomous use of data in local contexts globally
If time allows, we propose to test the Open Mustard Seed (OMS) Framework
Keywords: Discussion about future challenges
Worklab with Adnan Hadzi , James Stevens, Larisa Blazic
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Endlich sicher im Netz! Workshop mit Anne Roth!
Fri 30.05, Sat 31.05 ( 2 x 2h) @ MAIZ!
Girlz only
Dieser Workshop richtet sich an Einste*igerinnen. Es sind KEINE
Vorkenntnisse erforderlich!
Wir werden am Computer arbeiten. Nehmt bitte Eure Arbeitsgeräte mit!
Für wen diese Geräte zu schwer sind (kein tragbarer Computer), oder
wer über keines verfügt, kann am maiz-Trainings-Rechner arbeiten.
Worklab with Anne Roth, Supported by Anna M Liebmann (MAIZ)
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Open VHS Research Lab
Fri 30.05., Sat 31.05
The Open VHS Workshop aims to use physical tape editing as a remedy
to recursive, estranged appropriation. It is both a hardware hacking
workshop and an exercise in conceptual thinking about 'true' radical
electronic openness.
Keywords: Copright, Copyfight, Hacking, Glitch, Fun
Worklab with Niek Hilkmann
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Paper-Duino-Pi Lab
Fri 30.05, Sat 31.05
The Paper-Duino-Pi is an Arduino shield for the Raspberry Pi. Due to
the fact that it is designed as Paper-PCB it is easy to create and
one doesn't need a printed circuit board. All components are
standard electronic parts that are easily available at your favorite
electronic shop. Plus they are really cheap. All you need to build
one is some basic electronic knowledge and soldering skills.
Keywords: MAKE, Open Hardware, Software, Solder Fun
Worklab with Wolfgang Spahn
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Guerrilla Interaction Lab (1,2)
Fri 30.05. Sat 31.05
During the lab a suitcase with phones and with Protocoder framework
loaded http://protocoder.org will be provided for fast prototype
creation. As said any type of technology is allowed, Protocoder will
be just a bootstrap. The lab is welcome to have any kind of
expertise, knowledge and contributions. Not specific skills are
required, just motivation to create interested, unexpected and
impossible interactions.
Worklab with Victor Diaz
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woodland survival workshop
Sat 31.05
Survival techniques will be practised, researched and exchanged to
enable the extension of human survival, whether on a day-trip picnic
or suffering a life threatening drama death crisis.
Keywords: survival, „fun“ depending on your humor, no handy, no
internet, bringing back food for dinner
Outdoor with Heath Bunting & waiwai
| servus.at - kunst und kultur im netz - www.servus.at |
| u s (c) h i r e i t e r - organisation, projects, finances
| kirchengasse 4, 4040 linz
| {office at servus.at}{uschi.reiter at servus.at}{ushi at servus.at}
| Phone: 43.(0)732.7312 09 (mo-fr)
| office: uschi reiter - DW 300
| user-support: didi kressnig - DW 301
| user-support: peter wagenhuber - DW 302
| -ssl irc.servus.at 6667 / #servus |
| diplomacy is not our success! |
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