**H-I-T** FR 08.08.2014 - Monique Fessl & Henry Bootz - Kombüse, Graz
moonbootz recordings
office at moonbootz.org
Di Aug 5 20:22:32 CEST 2014
*FR 08.08.2014 - Monique Fessl & Henry Bootz - Kombüse, Graz**
Ay, caramba!
Best DJs in the best shack of town...
FR 08.08.2014
Erzherzog Johann Allee 2, 8010 Graz
Start: 22 Uhr
No fee.
Monique Fessl
Henry Bootz
Techno, House, Emotional Rock, Bad Taste
Liebe Grüße,
Gernot Tutner
moonbootz recordings | http://moonbootz.org |
Leitnergasse 21, 8010 Graz |
+43-676-9229959 | office at moonbootz.org
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