**H-I-T** [Interpenetration] Carla Bozulich & duo adé morgen, Dienstag, 22.04., bei Interpenetration im Wakuum
chmafu nocords
chmafu at nocords.net
Mo Apr 21 10:57:33 CEST 2014
chmafu nocords (http://nocords.net) newsletters
Konzertreihe (http://interpenetration.net)22.04.2014 (di)
Carla Bozulich & Band
duo adé
Club Wakuum
Griesgasse 25
8020 Graz
Aktuelle Informationen und Videos: http://interpenetration.net
duo adé halten ihre auftritte üblicherweise gern geheim. Der grund
dafür oder die absicht dahinter ist mir ein rätsel, aber zumindest
für diesen Dienstag ist dieser plan jetzt ohnehin vereitelt. Als gast
dabei übrigens Hannes Schauer, der viele extrem harte, politisch
völlig unkorrekte witze kennt. Und zum ausklang des abends dann noch
chillige entspannungsmusik mit Carla Bozulich.
Aufgrund des Specials am Dienstag entfällt am Mittwoch
Interpenetration. Unsere nächste geheimversammlung ist folglich am
dreissigsten tag des vierten mondes.
Carla Bozulich
Carla Bozulich is a prolific art-punk provocateur, with one of the
most unique voices in any genre. Her work is
brutally raw and weirdly
Born in New York City, she grew up a tomboy and girl protector in San
Pedro, California. Carla’s first appearance on record is Gary
Kail’s album from 1982 called Zurich 1916, on which she does
dada-inspired worldplay, “you know, telephone and vacuum cleaner
stuff”. She sang in a couple of groups – the Neon Veins and
Invisible Chains, the latter of which recorded an album for The
Minutemen’s New Alliance label when Carla was 18 years old.
Carla disappeared from daylight for a few years, re-emerged, and was
soon causing traffic jams as the gamine howler in the confrontational
sex/sound assault outfit Ethyl Meatplow. In 1993, before Ethyl’s
last gasp, Carla founded Geraldine Fibbers, going on to record and
tour incessantly with that band until 1998. Scarnella followed, a duo
formed with Nels Cline, and a decidedly non-commercial, open,
experimental project.
In 2001 she scored a Los Angeles production of Jean Genet’s The
Maids and
the award-winning feature film By Hook Or By Crook, which
she also scored and for which she compiled the soundtrack, went to
Sundance in 2003. That same year saw the release of Carla’s new
rendition of Willie Nelson’s Red Headed Stranger — with Willie
Nelson as a special guest. She has also explored mixed media and
performance art, including a commission for The Getty Museum in Los
In 2005 Carla rekindled a decade-old connection with Montreal-based
musicians affiliated with the Constellation label, leading to a
recording at that city’s legendary Hotel2Tango studio, and the
release of her Evangelista album on Constellation. Received with high
critical praise, the record would find its way onto many year-end best
lists, and lead to extensive touring around Europe and North America,
including performances at the Festival International de Musique
Actuelle de Victoriaville (Canada) and Bad Bonn Kilbi (Switzerland)
among others.
In 2007, Evangelista became the official
band name of Carla’s
project, and her follow-up record for Constellation was once again
recorded at the Hotel2Tango in Montreal, with core co-conspirators
Tara Barnes and Shahzad Ismaily, and contributions from a large cast
of Montreal-based musicians. The first record bearing Evangelista as a
band name was called Hello, Voyager and came out in February 2008.
Subsequently, Evangelista landed on the cover of UK music magazine The
Wire in June 2008, and Hello Voyager also made that and several other
mags’ year-end lists. Bozulich/Evangelista continued to tour
tirelessly in Europe and North America after the Hello Voyager
release, including appearances at Le Weekend in Scotland and the
Ruhrtriennale in Germany (with Carla in collaborative performance with
Marianne Faithful and Marc Ribot).
Since 2008, Evangelista has coalesced around a core trio, with
Bozulich and bassist Tara Barnes now joined by keyboardist/sound
artist Dominic Cramp. Montreal sound-artist Lisa Gamble is also
regular contributor to Evangelista’s writing and recording, and has
occasionally joined the band on the road.
The spring of 2009 found Carla, Tara and Dominic in Montreal, once
again recording at the Hotel2Tango studio where the previous two
albums were made. Prince Of Truth was released in October 2009 and
includes a wide cast of friends and guests, including Shahzad Ismaily,
Ches Smith, Jessica Catron, Nels Cline, Devin Hoff and Montrealers
Thierry Amar (Silver Mt. Zion) and Nadia Moss and Jonah Fortune
(Witchies). Evangelista’s latest album, In Animal Tongue, was
released 20 September 2011.
More recently, Carla has temporarily stepped away from Evangelista to
develop more primarily solo work, though regularly accompanied by
multi-intrumentalist John Eichenseer (JHNO). Her most recent release,
her self-described “pop” album Boy, was released to widespread
critical acclaim in March 2014.
duo adé
Liebliche Kammermusik mit Gitarre und
duo adé (Christoph Uhlmann, Gottfried Krienzer) entstand im Jahr 2000
als Nebenprojekt der Grazer Elektronik/Noiserockband Code Inconnu.
Vornehmlich ging es dabei darum, die den meisten Bands innewohnende
demokratische Grundstruktur aufzubrechen und durch ein prozesshaftes
Arbeiten nach dem Prinzip der Interaktion zu ersetzen. Der systemische
Prozess, die resultierende Nicht-Vorhersagbarkeit der klanglichen
Ergebnisse und ihre spontane Weiterentwicklung stehen im Vordergrund.
Musikalische Konstruktion(Komposition) versus Hedonismus des Moments.
duo adé versteht sich daher als Improvisationsduo, was aber nicht
(nur) das freie Spiel mit Musikinstrumenten meint. Konzepte werden
aufgestellt, jedoch mit größter Wahrscheinlichkeit während ihrer
Umsetzung durchbrochen. Dieses Scheitern wird weder negativ noch
positiv attribuiert, sondern gelassen akzeptiert.
Diesmal zu erwarten: Liebliche Kammermusik mit Gitarre und
Interpenetration website (http://interpenetration.net)
chmafu nocords auf youtube (http://www.youtube.com/user/marufura)
<a href="mailto:office at dieeintrittskarte.at">
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If you want one, come to our shows or write an email
(mailto:interpenetration at nocords.net).
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