**H-I-T** [Interpenetration] Botfly & Holzkopf am 8.5. im Wakuum / Kajkut, Astma, Tensil Test, Mia Zabelka & Thollem McDonas am 10.5. im Forum und Stockwerk
chmafu nocords
chmafu at nocords.net
Mo Mai 6 09:50:22 CEST 2013
chmafu nocords (http://nocords.net) newsletters
Konzertreihe (http://interpenetration.net)08.05.2013
Botfly & Holzkopf Duo
Club Wakuum
Hans Sachs Gasse 12
8010 Graz
Fr., 10.05.2013
Forum Stadtpark, 20:00:
Heifetz + Maggot play Kajkut
Stockwerk, 22:00:
Tensil Test
Mia Zabelka & Thollem McDonas
Forum Stadtpark
Stadtpark 1
Jakominiplatz 18
8010 Graz
Eintritt: VVK: 8,-, AK: 12,-, Mitglieder: 8,-
nur Forum: 5,-
Aktuelle Informationen und Videos: http://interpenetration.net
Graz ist ein paradebeispiel für das prinzip "divide et impera". Mit
riesigen dampfwalzen wird alles kulturelle und soziale dem boden
gleichgemacht und anstatt dieser entwicklung vereint entgegenzutreten
verliert sich der pöbel in kleinkriegen. Manche bieten sogar ihre
dienste als dampfwalzenfahrer an....
Dass es auch anders geht zeigt Interpenetration diese woche gleich
ein paar mal. Am Mittwoch teilen wir uns das Wakuum
und präsentieren
zuerst das konzert von Botfly und Holzkopf
(http://interpenetration.net/botfly-holzkopf-duo/) und machen danach
platz für die vom Wakuum veranstalteten Hitman Hearts
(http://www.reverbnation.com/thehitmanhearts). Für den Freitag hatten
wir einen grossen abend mit drei bands im Stockwerk geplant und kamen
erst zu spät drauf, dass am selben tag Slobodan Kajkut zwei seiner
stücke im Forum präsentiert. Statt uns aber in werbekleinkrieg zu
verlieren, haben wir beschlossen, die konzerte zusammenzulegen und als
einen gemeinsamen event zu promoten. Es beginnt also um 20 uhr im
forum mit Kajkuts stücken für Heifetz und Maggot
(http://www.godrec.com/god13.html). Danach geht es ins Stockwerk, wo
wir Astma, Tensil Test und Mia Zabelka mit Thollem McDonas
hören werden. Ich hoffe, ihr unterstützt diese zusammenarbeit durch
zahlreichen besuch der gesamten veranstaltung!
Am Samstag sind wir zwar nicht
veranstalter, aber ich helfe bei der
organisation des Linux-Audio-Conference-abends
(http://lac.linuxaudio.org/2013/program) im Forum Stadtpark.
Vielleicht sieht man sich ja auch dort...
Botfly & Holzkopf Duo
Botfly – acoustic + electronic percussion
Holzkopf – sampler, cassettes, synthesizer, vocals
Since 2011 John Brennan (Botfly) and Jacob Hardy (Holzkopf) have been
developing an improvisational music based off of rapid-fire sampler
and tape cut-ups, overloaded sonic structures and broken punk and free
jazz rhythms. The duo has been performing regularly in Vancouver, and
while both members have extensive recording and touring histories,
this will be their first tour as a duo. The tour will be coupled with
the release of a split cassette with Gintas K, a mainstay of the
improv and digital music community of Lithuania.
Brennan (Botfly) has spent most of the last decade as a major player
in the Montreal experimental and improvised music scene before
relocation to Vancouver. His activities have culminated in a European
tour as a solo act as well as a recent Japanese tour as part of the
project “Totems.” His playing style is equally aggressive and
thoughtfully textured. Hardy has gained a following for his Holzkopf
project through 5 European tours since 2006 as well as countless
Canadian tours since 2001. While the music of Holzkopf varies from
ambiances to assaults of static rhythms and controlled feedback, the
project has gained an overall reputation for physical and visceral
Der kuratierte Improvisationsabend, der an diesem tag stattfinden
hätte sollen, fällt leider aus, weil das Wakuum nach dem konzert von
Holzkopf & Botfly Hitman Hearts veranstaltet. Der nächste Improabend
findet dann am 22.5. statt.
Heifetz + Maggot play Kajkut
City of Bore/Sick Nature
Zu einem besonderen Abend laden Slobodan Kajkut, Heifetz und
ein, um zwei frische Kajkut-Kompositionen für zwei
Gitarre/Schlagwerk-Duos zu präsentieren. Inspiriert von der
unglaublichen Mischung des hardcore/speed/trash/follow-me-Prinzips hat
es sich Kajkut zur Aufgabe gemacht, ein Stück für die Band zu
komponieren, das als Gegenstück ihrer musikalischen Sprache steht.
Das Stück – eine halbe Stunde vollkommene Stille – erforscht
mittels absoluter Reduktion des musikalischen Materials jegliche
Geduld bis zum Äußersten. Still aber will! Damit die andere Seite
des ursprünglich geplanten Vinyls nicht leer bleibt, schrieb Kajkut
noch ein Stück für eine ähnliche, aber doch etwas erweiterte
Besetzung und formte für diese Gelegenheit das Duo Maggot. Das Stück
prüft die Grenzen der interpretatorischen Genauigkeit, sprich, welche
Ergebnisse bei einer ständigen no counterpoint-Zusammenarbeit,
entstehen. Clean but distorted!
Mia Zabelka & Thollem McDonas
Mia Zabelka _ Violin, Voice
Thollem McDonas_Piano
Mia Zabelka and
Thollem McDonas are two iconoclastic musicians who
have spent their lives exploring the world and expressing it sonically
through a wide variety of musical situations and collaborations.
Drawing from punk, 350 years of European concert music, free jazz, and
music from cultures around the world, the music they create is beyond
categorization, continually evolving through their life experiences
keeping their minds and ears wide open. Their freedom is not bound by
cultural restraint or expectation, but is a playful means to
understanding themselves and the world both in greater and more
nuanced ways, expressing this for wildly enthusiastic listeners who
are ready for the adventurous musical journey.
Thollem McDonas
Thollem McDonas is a perpetually traveling musician, sharing his time
between North America and Europe, performing/recording as a soloist
and in collaboration with many other individuals and groups, as well
as leading large ensemble improvisation workshops. His music
diverse, approaching each album and concert uniquely, often resulting
in dramatically new and different outcomes. Not long after birth,
Thollem began studying the keyboard repertoire from the medieval to
the 20th century. With degrees in both piano performance and
composition, he stepped from the concert pianist trajectory to
dedicate his time to grassroots political movements and ecological
restoration projects. In 2006, he returned to music as his full focus,
incorporating his experiences into his compositions, improvisations
and teaching. He has performed piano concertos with symphonies, played
in West African drumming troupes, Javanese gamelan ensembles, punk
bands, with many free improvisation groups, and as a “comproviser”
for modern dance and film. He is the founding director of Estamos
Ensemble, a Mexican-American cross border ensemble for musical
Mia Zabelka
Mia Zabelka, composer, electric violinist and vocalist from Vienna,
lives in the Austrian region of
southern Styria. As a composer and
performer of contemporary music she has developed a unique language
based on the de- and reconstruction of the violin’s sonic
possibilities, expanding the instrument using live electronic effects
and innovative performance techniques. She studied music and
composition at the Universtiy of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna,
creating a foundation on the basis of which she continues to construct
and explore the limits of sound and music in a language entirely her
own. The violin, voice and her own body transform into sound bodies
which are at once organic and primal, screaming, lyrical, composed and
explosive. Mia Zabelka developed the process she describes as
automatic playing, continuously exploring sound and music as physical
phenomena, always pushing back the boundaries in radical and
provocative performances and compositions that question established
notions and given structures.She has given concerts and performances
throughout Europe,
America and Asia. Recipient of numerous prizes
(3-time winner oft the Prix Ars Electronica) and awards, she was a
guest of the DAAD’s (German Academic Exchange Service’s)
international artists’ programme in Berlin and the Fulbright
Commission in New York. Collaborations with various international
artists including John Zorn, David Moss, Peter Kowald, Phil Wachsman,
Alvin Curran, Pauline Oliveros, Lukas Ligeti, Franz Hautzinger, Martin
Siewert, Phil Minton, Shelley Hirsch, Fernando Grillo, Eliot Sharp,
Wolfgang Mitterer, Francis Marie Uitti, Josef Klammer, Joelle Leandre,
Dälek, Scanner and Lydia Lunch.
Tensil Test
Joe Rehmer : Paul N. Roth
Prepared and tabled double bass, metals, tape, broken radios,
saxophones, objects, toys, mayhem
The duo with Olga Nosova (drummer and vocalist mostly known for her
work with Moscow fusion band “Syncopated Silence” and post-punk
band “Motherfathers”) is one of the latest
projects of veteran of
Russian industrial/electronic/free improv scene Alexei Borisov and
noticeably very fast-developing – their mind-boggling and powerful
music is already highly acclaimed among the music lovers not only in
Russia, but around the world!
The collaborative project was formed in April 2009 in Moscow. Paying
homage to both experimental tradition of Alexei’s countless musical
reincarnations and Olga’s instrumental experience, the duo embrace
elements of weird free-form spoken word psychedelia, live electronics,
minimalism, free jazz, noise, heavy acid, electroacoustic, dub and far
too many different types of acoustic torture to even bother mentioning
all of them! The music is highly improvised, so naturally Borisov /
Nosova is collaborating with various musicians, video-artists,
dancers, performers and poets from different countries, both in live
situations and in studio environment: Anton Nikkila (Finland), Dave
Phillips (Switzerland), Matthieu Werchowski
(France), Dora Bleu
(Canada), Thomas Buckner (USA), Tom Smith (USA), Jandek (USA), Anton
Mobin (France), a_spirale (Italy), Ilya Belorukov (Russia), Sergei
Letov (Russia), Korhan Erel (Turkey), Oleg Kornev (Russia/France),
VTOL (Russia), Mitya Fedotenko (France), Alessandro Bosetti (Italy) to
name just a few.
Borisov / Nosova duo is touring extensively and taking part at
different international festivals, exhibitions and showcases. In
2009-2011 they performed in Russia, Turkey, Latvia, Estonia, Finland,
Poland, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Netherlands, France,
Israel, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belorussia, USA, Italy, Czech Republic,
Interpenetration website (http://interpenetration.net)
chmafu nocords auf youtube (http://www.youtube.com/user/marufura)
<a href="mailto:office at dieeintrittskarte.at">
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