**H-I-T** Fr. 19.10.2012 - Gernot Tutner & Elisabeth Schimana - Dope Beat Rosengarten - Relase-Konzert - Niesenberger, Graz
Gernot Tutner
gernot at nocords.net
Do Okt 18 14:04:16 CEST 2012
chmafu nocords präsentiert:
### Gernot Tutner & Elisabeth Schimana - Dope Beat Rosengarten ###
Fr. 19.10.2012 Release-Konzert
Niesenberger, Graz
Beginn: ~ after midnight
Gernot Tutner (Heavy Dope Beats)
Elisabeth Schimana (Digitaler Rosengarten)
Norbert Math (Rosenprojektionen)
### Dope Beat Rosengarten ###
chmafu nocords, Cat.No. cn45, http://nocords.net/
A technoid-sounding quarter-note rhythm, the tempo unusually slow for
techno. A smooth and wispy groove. Conceptually raw and open – embedded
in a thousand tiny thorn pricks, whispering roses, 24 rattling, noisy
oscillators and an overgrown bramble of roses.
Bringing together abstract experimental sounds and danceable electronic
beats is the concept behind V:NM Clubnight, which has taken place in
Graz at the V:NM Festival since 2009. That same year Gernot‘s Heavy Dope
Beats and Elise‘s Digital Rose Garden fused for the first time into Dope
Beat Rosengarten. Years later in April 2012 a concert at the festival
New Music for Data Base Sound in Ljubljana gave rise to this album that
was put together with love and passion.
recording & mixing: Elisabeth Schimana & Gernot Tutner at moonbootz
recordings studios / Niesenberger Graz
final mix & mastering: KABELTON
rose projections based on an idea by Elisabeth Schimana: Norbert Math
graphic design: Elisabeth Kopf
photography: Rainhard Mayr / cover, Aksioma / live
translation: Kimi Lum
Supported by Land Steiermark - Kultur, Europa, Außenbeziehungen and bm:ukk.
### Gernot Tutner ###
Gernot Tutner (aka Henry Bootz) has been a permanent fixture in the
music scene of Graz since 2000. DJ, live performer and promoter, he is a
resident at the Niesenberger, from which he operates his artist
collective moonbootz recordings. The bandwidth of Tutner's creative work
is enormous and ranges from experimental electronica to media art. "from
disco to noise"
### Elisabeth Schimana ###
Elisabeth Schimana has been working as a composer, performer and radio
artist since 1983. She
studied electro-acoustics and experimental music at the University of
Music and Performing Arts
Vienna and musicology and ethnology at the University of Vienna. Her
work concentrated for many years on space / body / electronic. Founded
IMA Institut für Medienarchäologie http://ima.or.at/.
### Norbert Math ###
Norbert Math is an artist active in the fields of radio art, electronic
music, installation, and
Internet. He studied at the Academy of Music, Vienna (institute for
electroacoustics). He is cofounder (with Andrea Sodomka, Martin Breindl,
and August Black) of alien productions, an artist's network for theory
and aestethics of new technology and media. Norbert Math was born 1962
in Bozen, Italy and works in Vienna, Austria.
### chmafu nocords ###
chmafu nocords is a non-profit label that specializes in
anti-specialization. Specialization is in fact only a fancy form of
slavery. chmafu nocords prefers neither cords nor chords, there are
already enough of them. Ears! Music is what you listen to. Music exists
with or without musicians,but music does not exist without listeners.
“Music is also a means of rapid transportation
to life.”
“that’s so fucking cool.”
(Carla Bozulich on chmafu nocords)
Gernot Tutner
chmafu nocords
gernot at nocords.net
fon: +43-676-9229959
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