**H-I-T** [Interpenetration] HAESE am 14.11. im Stockwerk
chmafu nocords
chmafu at nocords.net
Mo Nov 12 14:05:57 CET 2012
chmafu nocords (http://nocords.net) newsletters
Konzertreihe (f.k.a. Mittwochs Exakt)
Jakominiplatz 18
8010 Graz
Eintritt: 12,-/8,-
Aktuelle Informationen und Videos: http://interpenetration.net
Vegeta ist, wie den meisten bekannt sein dürfte, einer der grossen
gegner von Son Goku, aber auch ein gewürzpulver aus Kroatien. Vegeta
ist auch eine band. Und genau diese band wird diesen Mittwoch NICHT
bei Interpenetration im Stockwerk spielen. Ebensowenig wie Kylie
Minoque oder Deep Purple. Wobei letztere, im gegensatz zu Vegeta,
natürlich auch nie geplant waren. Und sie sind weder nach einer figur
aus Dragonball noch nach irgendeinem gewürz benannt. Trotzdem hat
Kylie eine Schwester und Deep Purple einen schlagzeuger. Und einen
bassisten. Und diese beiden, also nicht Ian Paice und Roger Glover,
sondern Lukas König und Lukas Kranzlbinder, sind die verbindung
zwischen Vegeta und
Und HAESE spielen diesen Mittwoch bei Interpenetration im Stockwerk.
My Name is HAESE.
This could be a case of: ‚Not to know anything.‘
If you take Ritsche for example, you will be surprised.
Lots of trumpet-playing, but different. Quite physical. Quite
intense. Still different.
If you hear it, you own it.
But do not be confused about the Lukas guys. 2 of them, both the same
They basically do not look similar, but this is about playing anyway.
K indicates their last names. The sound indicates their playing.
Quite physical. Quite instense. Still austrian.
All studied somehow, all made a name for themselves, but this is
about playing anyway.
My Name is HAESE.
This could be a case of: ‚Playing it all.‘
Ritsche Koch
* 1979 in Tulln (AT) At 12 he began experimenting with improvisation
in the jazz idiom; he has been studying expe-rimental improvisation
intensively since 1997. In 1998 Koch founded the project Oral Office
with Christian Reiner and began intensive research into the
fusion of speech and music. In 2002 he founded the project Ritsche &
Zast with Berlin visual artist Thomas Bratzke, conducting intensive
inquiry into the fusion of visual art and music as well as working on
short films and numerous performances throughout the world.
Since 2002 Koch has been a member of the band Olaf Ton and worked
with a number of other Berlin-based jazz ensembles. In 2003 he
participated in the dance piece Risse, produced by Berlin
choreographer Hans-Werner Klohe, intensively experimenting with the
fusion of dance, music and speech. He also worked with the the Amigo
Dancer (Flying Steps), Juylen Hamilton and the writer Wolf
Wondratschek. 2003 also saw his first solo performances in and around
Since 2004 Koch has worked on experimental children‘s theater with
the Austria artists‘ collective „TTT“; these projects have been
presented throughout Europe. Since 2006 he has performed with
Romanian singer Miss Platnum, Seeed, Peter Fox and The Notwist.
Lukas Kranzelbinder
* 1988 in Klagenfurt [AT] Despite his tender years he has already
become one of the most active and versatile bassists of the young
Austrian music scene. He is the organizer of the ‚Polyamory Sound
Festival‘ [www.polyamorysound.com], taking place in various European
cities and bringing musicians from diverse music scenes together,
Since the summer of 2011 he is part of the „New Austrian Sound of
Music“-Program, where he was chosen as 1 of 5 young musicians to
represent their country as a jazz musician worldwide.
At this time Kranzelbinder lives in Vienna and works on his Spanish
Opera MUCHOGUSTO, which will be premiered at the well-known Festival
“Carinthischer Sommer” in July 2012.
Lukas König
* 3.6.1988 in St. Pölten [AT] He began his education in Vienna’s
music secondary school and later studied at the Gustav Mahler
Conservatory ,the Anton Bruckner University and the
Swiss Jazz School
Bern under Clemens Adlassnig, Herbert Pirker, Dejan Terzic and Peter
Herbert. Lukas works with members of the Vienna Artist Collective
“Jazzwerkstatt Wien”, plays in bands like Kompost 3 or
Königleopold and has shared the stage with Wolfgang Puschnig,
Jamaladeen Tacuma, Clemens Salesny, Paul Urbanek and Thomas Gansch
amongst others. In 2010 Koenig attended a workshop in Linz where he
met Malcolm Braff. Their shared interests in experimenting with micro
rythmics led Braff to invite him to join the carte blanche offer of
the Cully Festival. This gave the trio a good week’s chance to grow
together through intense work. After some more concerts the time had
come to go to the studio to record the compact and rousing debut album
„Inside“ for ENYA music.
Jakominiplatz 18
8010 Graz
Eintritt: VVK: 8,-, AK: 12,-, Mitglieder: 8,-
VVK: “Die Eintrittskarte”
phone: +43.316.83 39 48
office at dieeintrittskarte.at
website (http://interpenetration.net)
chmafu nocords auf youtube (http://www.youtube.com/user/marufura)
<a href="mailto:office at dieeintrittskarte.at">
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