**H-I-T** ARMORY show
erwin stefanie posarnig
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Do Mär 8 12:47:01 CET 2012
Pier 94| Booth 524
March 8th - 11th
presenting a soloshow by austrian artist CHRISTIAN EISENBERGER.
Christian Eisenberger, born 1978, has gained notoriety with his racey media mix of building materials, natural products and junk. He stands for the currently popular projection of art rapidly happening both on the street and in the galleries and his actions in public places makes his work almost a vindication of Hi Art. With Viennese roguery and often a fair amount of crudity Eisenberger takes the world to task. His confrontational and sometimes cruel Art is directed against the absurdity of both history and daily life. This dilettante whiz kid reacts directly to events and with his prolific production he is the proto-type 24 hour artist. Christian Eisenberger studied Transmediale Kunst at the University for Applied Art in Vienna under the tuition of Brigitte Kowanz. He lives and works in Vienna.
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