**H-I-T** from istanbul / Gözel Radio#21 iSYANBUL RiOT CAN’T BE HELD CAPTiVE (2012-06-09) BERLIN
serhat koksal
serhatkoksal at hotmail.com
Do Jun 28 23:31:47 CEST 2012
UKW 88,4 MHz in Berlin und 90,7 MHz in Potsdam / Reboot fm
Gözel Radio#21 iSYANBUL RiOT CAN’T BE HELD CAPTiVE (2012-06-09)
2/5BZ will play audiovisual performance gigs in germany , ....?
in september end / october begin 2012
2/5BZ "NOptimistic Dialogue" 2007 Live Audiovisual Performancehttp://vimeo.com/11860953 2/5BZ - SAKA ETMiYORUM - JOHN PEEL 26.11.1994http://soundcloud.com/2-5bz/2-5bz-aka-etmiyorum-john-peel
http://norient.com/stories/25bz/ interview / performance 2011http://www.ctm-festival.de/index.php?id=2275 @ CTM Festival Berlinhttp://www.bwanaclub.org/2-5-bz,429.html @ Clandestino Festival Gothenburg
2/5BZ - ÖKÜZ iSTANBUL (Peel Session II - 2004)http://soundcloud.com/2-5bz/2-5bz-k-z-istanbul-2004
http://2-5bz.tumblr.com/post/20871994253/2-5bz-okuz-istanbul-peel-session-ii-2004http://2-5bz.tumblr.com http://2-5bz.com ' nurkish instrumental beatmaker 'OXTANBUL
2/5BZ aka Serhat Koksal @ Norient 2010 - http://norient.com/en/video/arabesk2010/
''...and that track is from one of my favourites sessions of the recent past from 2/5BZ from Istanbul.No Touristik No Exotic it is called..'' John Peel / / ............ 2/5 BZ - Militant Oriental: Peel Session II Gözel Records 2004 De:Bug Magazine June/06 German Review ( with English and Turkish translated in below ) ; ........... Niki Bölü Bes Be Ze Birligi " LEVHALAR BiZi DAiMA iLERiYE GÖTÜRECEKTiR " ........... 2/5BZ - ÖKÜZ iSTANBUL @ Radio Shows - February 5, 2008 / wfmu new jersey - June 24, 2006 / wfmu new jersey - August 1, 2010 / wfmu new jersey.... .........
2/5BZ - ÖKÜZ iSTANBUL (Peel Session II - 2004) 2/5BZ Öküz Istanbul track broadcasted on John "Peel Session" Radio Program in 2004.also track is from 2/5BZ 's second Peel Session .2004 . released @ 2/5BZ 's 12 inch vinyl EP from Gozel Records track prodused,recordet w/ live feedback mixer,sampling,seq.prog. by Serhat (2004) . " BURASI iSTANBUL HER KÖSESiNDE BiR ÖKÜZ EVLiYASI BULUNUR "
track orginally prodused in 03.2002 & released in album ' NO Touristik NO Egzotik 2/5BZ's Istanbul Cut Up ' in 2002 ) http://www.discogs.com/25-BZ-No-Turistik-No-Egzotik/release/1116303
... http://hardwax.com/label/goezel-records
http://www.fatplanet.com.au/blog/?p=239 FBi 94.5 03.09.06 / melbourne
2/5 BZ aka Serhat Koksal has performed live AudioVisual performances
at 19 country 91 cities in Clubs, Festivals, Squats, Exhibitions..living and working in Istanbul
2/5BZ performed Festivals @ Berlin ClubTransmediale.03 & 06 , Amsterdam World Wide Video ,
Istanbul Phonem , St Petersburg SKIF 7 & 10 , Rotterdam Film , Gothenburg Clandestino,
Berlin Transmediale 06, Avusturya Diagonale, Milano Audiovisiva, Belarus No Culture Subculture,
Berlin Rip it, Amsterdam Sonic Acts, Prag Moffom, New York East River Park, Ludwigsburg Film,
Gdansk Strajk, Riga Skanu Mezs, ..
http://norient.com/stories/25bz/ interview / performance 2011
2/5BZ - SAKA ETMiYORUM - JOHN PEEL 26.11.1994http://soundcloud.com/2-5bz/2-5bz-aka-etmiyorum-john-peel
"Of all the music I heard in Turkey, I liked 2/5 BZ best."John Peel http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_laszcg5XSu1qdfoifo1_500.jpg
2/5BZ - ETNiK MARKET, ETNiK PARANOIA (Peel Session, 2003)http://soundcloud.com/2-5bz/2-5bz-etnik-market-etnik
2/5BZ - MiLiTANT ORiENTAL (2003) http://soundcloud.com/2-5bz/militantoriental
2/5 BZ - Karabeskhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvvdgJn8tEM
2/5BZ - ZARBO (1.05.2011)http://soundcloud.com/2-5bz/2-5bz-zarbo
2/5BZ @ CTM.03 Club Transmediale Festival 2003 ( Destroy Istanbul )http://vimeo.com/37030622/5BZ "NOptimistic Dialogue" 2007 Live Audiovisual Performancehttp://vimeo.com/118609532/B5Z @ Ankara 01.03.2007 ( Karabesk Punk ) http://vimeo.com/4678364 ....
@ 11.5.2012 istanbul
http://2-5bz.tumblr.com http://2-5bz.com
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