**H-I-T** KiG!.Kunsthaus.Exklusivfuehrung, 30.09.2011 <Antje Majewski, The World of Gimel. How to Make Objects Talk>

florian ruedisser flor at mur.at
Mi Sep 28 13:34:48 CEST 2011

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Kultur in Graz und das
Kunsthaus Graz laden zur Preview-Kurator/innenführung mit Katrin Adam Budak,
Antje Majewski und Intendant Peter Pakesch.

Freitag 30.09.2011 um
14:30 / Treffpunkt: Kunsthaus Graz, Foyer 

Antje Majewski
The World of Gimel. How
to Make Objects Talk 

Living the Museum

The alchemy of things is
at the core of a multimedial project by the German artist, Antje
Majewski (*1968) which aims at rethinking the representation and
meaning of objects in the form of a highly personal and quasi surreal
collection. In other words, based upon the investigation of various
museums and collections, including the profound research into the
encyclopeadic structure of the 200-years old Universalmuseum
Joanneum, her (private) collection of inanimate objects is the
artist’s utopian and subversive (and a seemingly absurd…) take at
how to make objects talk. Thus Majewski’s own private museum is a
sort of language laboratory – a rhizomatic structure of
multilayered connections, a hybride of babel and aleph which sums up
an advanced museological experience as beyond-spiritual, universal
and hyper semantics.


Artists: Antje
Majewski, with Thomas Bayrle, Helke Bayrle, Marcel Duchamp, Didier
Faustino, Pawel Freisler, Delia Gonzalez, Alejandro Jodorowsky,
Edward Krasinski, Leonore Mau, Markus Miessen & Ralf Pflugfelder,
Dirk Peuker, Agnieszka Polska, Mathilde Rosier, Gavin Russom, Issa
Samb, Juliane Solmsdorf, Simon Starling & Superflex, El Hadji Sy,
Neal Tait

Ausstellungsdauer: 01.10.2011–15.01.2012

Mehr Information zur Austellung findet sich

Führung durch die Kurator/Innen Adam Budak, Antje Majewski
und Intendant Peter Pakesch sowie Eintritt ins Kunsthaus Graz sind
wie immer kostenlos für die KiG! Community!

#### Bitte
ANMELDEN unter flor at mur.at oder +43-316-720267 ####

schönem Grusz Florian Rüdisser
Feuerbachgasse 25, A-8020 Graz, +43-316-720267,
flor at mur.at,

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