**H-I-T** [ESC] 5.10.2010, 20.00 Uhr, "From Aleatoric Machines To The Future?SoundS Of Folk", Marc Chia aka One Man Nation]
Reni Hofmüller
reni at mur.at
Fr Okt 1 10:35:28 CEST 2010
Herzliche Einladung zur Lecture, in englischer Sprache
ESC im LABOR, Jakoministrasse 16, 8010 Graz
Reni Hofmüller
5.10.2010, 20.00 Uhr
Marc Chia aka One Man Nation
"From Aleatoric Machines To The Future SoundS Of Folk"
Concert at SonntagsAbstract in Postgarage on Wednesday, 6.10.2010
in Kooperation mit
"What follows is a condensed run through of the various processes that
have directed my research and practice over the past years, in search
for my own narrative in relation to my sound/performance practice and
the sounds of the post-folk."
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