**H-I-T** INTIÑAHUI auf der Ars Electronica
syn at mur.at
Di Aug 31 16:55:11 CEST 2010
Wir freuen uns mitteilen zu dürfen:
INTIÑAHUI - Im Auge der Sonne* wird am *Ars Electronica Animation
Festival 2010, Linz* zu sehen sein.*
**Ars Electronica Animation Festival Selection of the best works of the
Prix 2010 2.9 -- 7. 9.
/INTIÑAHUI - Im Auge der Sonne / In the Eye of the Sun will be part of
"a compilation of selected entries that illustrate the state of the art
of visual design and the latest trends in the field as well as the
industry, both with respect to content and technology.
This 2010 Prix Ars Electronica Animation Festival will showcase a "best
of" selection from this year's competition and a curated program
compiled especially for the festival, among others the animation show by
Japan Media Arts Festival."/
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/Films that challenge our spatial perceptions, "Dark Stories" that
transport us into an absurd world in which the customary criteria of
perception have gone completely haywire; cinematographic narratives from
different ethnic groups and expressed correspondingly in a variety of
substantive formats ranging from the comic-grotesque to the
serious-traditional; statements containing political, social, ecological
and cultural messages; transformations of states of existence; and films
that merge the coordinates at the nexus of music, sound and imagery. The
description of our endeavors to create an ordering system is itself an
expression of the tremendous diversity of digital design variants in
their multifarious areas of application in advertising, film industry
special effects, TV, science and art. The Ars Electronica Animation
Festival 2010 is meant to provide insights that demonstrate the current
state of the art of digital visual design./
INTIÑAHUI [Regie Klaus Schrefler, Animation Thomas Siegl & Martin
Schemitsch, Montage Elmar Ranegger, Musik Dr. Nachtstrom]
INTIÑAHUI wurde 2009 in Houston, Texas, USA mit dem Grand Remi Award als
Bester Experimentalfilm ausgezeichnet, 2008 war Klaus Schrefler damit
persönlich am IFFI Goa, dem größten Filmfestival Indiens eingeladen.
Die Film-DVD ist z.B. im im Museumsquartier Wien, in der Buchhandlung
Walther König und im Online-Shop <http://www.inti.at/de/dvd.html>
Wir danken CineStyria, Land Steiermark, Land Oberösterreich, Stadt Graz,
Bundeskanzleramt, Bundesministerium für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten, AAI
Graz und theSYNdicate
Alle Infos unter www.inti.at
*A-8010 GRAZ, Gartengasse 21/1
T +43.[0]676.636 0 343; http://www.syn.mur.at
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