**H-I-T** maschinendivas im schaumbad und UpStage 090909

ursprung ursprung at mur.at
Di Sep 8 06:17:03 CEST 2009

Wir laden herzlich ein ­ online und on site:

Mittwoch 9.9.09 ab 19:00 Uhr

Upstage Festival 090909

Schaumbad ­ Freies Atelierhaus Graz, Starhemberggasse 4, 8020 Graz

20:00 Uhr: Maschine Divas
Performance mit Helen Varley Jamieson (NZ), Fiona Sara Schmidt, Julia
Gröblacher, Eva Ursprung, Isabel Espinoza (A), cym (NL), Suzon Fuks (AUS)

³Maschinendivas² ist ein Projekt von Andrea Sodomka und Eva Ursprung
Im Juli 2009 fand im Kunstraum Niederösterreich in Wien ein Worklab mit
Helen Varley Jamieson statt, im Rahmen des IMA-Salons ³Maschinendivas².
Eine modifizierte Version der dort ausgearbeitete Desktop-Performance wird
nun als Teil des UpStage Festivals 090909 im Schaumbad aufgeführt.

Das Publikum kann über das Netz das Geschehen mitbestimmen. Im Schaumbad
steht dafür nur eine Maschine zur Verfügung, daher besser eigene Laptops

Ich würde mich über euer Kommen freuen!

Mit besten Grüßen,

Eva Ursprung

UpStage 090909

>From 2pm New Zealand time on 09 September 2009 ­ 20 hours of live shows will
be presented in the 3rd annual UpStage festival of online performance.

The 090909 UpStage Festival proudly presents 13 live online performances
(cyberformances) which have been devised by artists traversing 9 different
time zones. Audiences can watch these performances online, or attend 'real
life' (RL) access nodes ­ physical venues in ten locations around the world.
The full schedule is online at www.upstage.org.nz. The performances address
a variety of themes in diverse genres.

A near drowning unites the cities of New York and Venice in Salvation; a
fairytale princess is corrupted by a lifetime of
unchecked power and narcissism in Snow White and the Seven Chihuahuas; the
butterfly effect infiltrates a virtual kitchen in The Dish; and a group of
children retell a traditional Maori tale in Maui and the Sun. Audiences fall
into the entropy of a black hole in Open Experimental
Zone and encounter the random and meaningless nature of polite conversation
in At Home with Mr and Mrs Smith. These are just a few of the offerings
presented as part of the 090909 UpStage Festival.

UpStage is a web-based platform that enables people anywhere in the world to
participate in live online performances, created in real time by
geographically dispersed performers. Audiences interact through a text chat
tool. The players use images, audio, video and text to
create the performances, operating ³avatars² ­ graphical characters that
move and speak aloud. The performances are accessible to anyone with an
internet connection and browser.

The 090909 UpStage Festival follows on from the successes of the 070707 and
080808 UpStage Festivals. All performances are live-to-web, but audiences
can also attend 'real life' access nodes: this year physical venues are
provided in:
Wellington (NZ), Munich (Germany), Oslo (Norway), Graz (Austria), Nantes
(France), Istanbul (Turkey), Eindhoven (Netherlands), Surrey (BC, Canada),
Calgary (Canada) and Pancevo (Serbia).

The artists involved range from veteran networked performers such as members
of The Plaintext Players (Europe/USA) and ActiveLayers
(NZ/UK/USA/Australia), to artists working in the online medium for the first
time; the youngest is ten years old.

The full list of performances, artists, performance times and RL access
nodes is on theUpStage web site: www.upstage.org.nz. Live links to the
stages will be accessible from the UpStage web site on 09 September; online
audiences just need to click the link to attend!

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