**H-I-T** all souls berlin
cym at mur.at
Sa Okt 31 11:50:35 CET 2009
Tonight, Saturday, Halloween,
as a culmination of a week long residencey @ _____-micro research
aether9 will present a live online performance before an audience in
the rupert goldsworthy gallery in Berlin.
The wireless building of a mass mind, controlling aether9 agents
...amongst Berliners unaware.
Aether9 presents an interpretation of Fritz Lang's Doktor Mabuse
streaming from a taxi speeding through Berlin.
Join us online at 21:00 CET --> http://1904.cc
about aether9
Aether9 is a collaborative art project exploring the field of realtime
video transmission. It was initiated in May 2007 during a workshop at
the Mapping Festival in Geneva, Switzerland. Developed by an
international group of visual artists and collectives working in
different locations (Europe, North and South America) and
communicating solely through the Internet, ther9 is a framework for
networked video/audio performance, and the collaborative development
of dramarturgical rules particular to Internet modes of communication.
The system functions as an open platform for participants of any
technical level to transmit imagery in real-time and interact through
a structured narrative performance questioning the issues of
presence/absence, remote/local, identity and intimacy in the context
of the electronic space.
residence @ _____-micro research [berlin] http://www.1010.co.uk/
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