**H-I-T** TERMINAL QUARTET @ Stockwerk Jazz - 29.1.2009
ludwig zeininger
lu at mur.at
Mo Jan 12 23:29:01 CET 2009
TERMINAL QUARTET performs Graz-Stadt Drift at Stockwerk Jazz, 29 Jan.
Graz-Stadt Drift is a site specific structured improvisation conceived
of and performed by the Terminal Quartet, originally founded by
Australian composer / producer, Andrew Garton.
Graz-Stadt Drift will be performed by the Graz chapter of the Terminal
Quartet - Josef 'Seppo' Gründler, Ludwig Zeininger, Peter Venus and
Andrew Garton.
The Terminal Quartet grew from a Melbourne based project in 2003 to an
international Quartet with members that have included Robert Henke (aka
Monolake), Ash Wednesday (Einstürzende Neubauten), Ross Bencina
(Audiomulch) and Australian luminaries Ollie Olsen, Steve Law, Julian
Knowles, Andrew Kettle, Paul Abad, Andrew Kettle, Andy Bagley, Lawrence
English and John Grant.
The Quartet performs structured improvisations. Each performer
researches and arranges individual movements in isolation from each
other. The completed movements are heard for the first time during
Terminal Quartet's debut appearance in Austria will be supported by
GaZe, a duo from former Electropathological Consort members, Ludwig
Zeininger and Andrew Garton.
Who: Terminal Quartet + GaZe
When: Thu 29 January 2009, 8 pm
Where: Stockwerk Jazz, Jakonminiplatz 18, Graz, 8010
Cost: 5/8 Euros
Andrew Garton's appearances in Austria have been made possible with the
support of Reni Hofmueller (ESC im Labor), Jogi Hofmueller (mur.at)
Doris Carstensen (University of Music and Dramatic Arts Graz), Elisabeth
Zimmerman (KunstRadio) and Grant McHerron (apc.au, Australia).
|Ludwig Zeininger|
| lu at mur.at |
|GPG ID: 75C1CF0D|
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