**H-I-T** eisenberger arrested in london

erwin stefanie PLIANT login at esarkiosk.com
Fr Dez 12 09:43:08 CET 2008

> Austrian Clown Arrested (10.12.2008)
> Christian Eisenberger arrested in London 8-12-2008
>  	Austrian artist Christian Eisenberger (1978) was arrested on  
> Monday by the Metropolitan Police on the corner of Bishopsgate and  
> New Street in the City of London. After a brief interrogation he was  
> released, carrying parts of his outfit in a plastic bag.
> Eisenberger, who is well known in Austria for his sculptures and  
> performances in public spaces as well as for performances in the  
> middle of nature, was walking on Bishopsgate, wearing a clown's  
> outfit, when a member of the public alerted the police. Most  
> probably, the reason for this was that Eisenbergerwore not only a  
> typical clown's costume with the appropriate clown's make-up, but  
> also carried a belt around his waist fitted with brightly coloured  
> artificial explosives.
> Eisenberger, who was visiting London for 48 hours, commented that he  
> knew that the walk through London would fail at a certain point, but  
> to his surprise his visits to Downing Street, Parliament Square, the  
> new Saatchi Gallery and the Tate Modern went unchallenged. The  
> public responded with amusement and while some members of the public  
> raised eyebrows, none of the security guards at the various sites  
> took action.
> However his freedom as a clown ended when he was spotted by members  
> of staff at the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) who stood outside  
> smoking cigarettes.
> Minutes later, exactly 20 footsteps away from the police station at  
> Bishops Gate near Liverpool Street Station, eight policemen  
> surrounded Eisenberger, handcuffed him, and led him to the nearby  
> police station, having relieved him of his red clown's wig and red  
> nose.
> Where the same performance earlier this year in Vienna caused only  
> amusement, it goes without saying that walking through London's  
> financial centre in an 'explosive clowns costume" will draw not only  
> reactions by the public, but also by the police who will react  
> swiftly.
> Perhaps in these chastened times, tragicomic figures will draw  
> attention and will make people stop and think. The irony of this  
> event is that the clown 'Eisenberger' was not only being a clown but  
> he also seemed to be a potential threat to the public.
> HVS December 2008

artelier PLIANT
mag. art. ing.erwin stefanie posarnig (PLIANT)

wolkensteingasse 24
8020 Graz

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