**H-I-T** open music presents / 10.12.2008 / Szilárd Mezei Trio / + REMINDER 3.12.2008 / The Jamie Saft Trio / Stockwerk Graz
ute.pinter at utanet.at
Mo Dez 1 22:02:07 CET 2008
open music
Mag. Ute Pinter, MAS, Lichtenauerg. 5/16, A-1020 Wien
tel/fax: 01-2185262 / 0676-7236701, <mailto:ute.pinter at openmusic.at>
ute.pinter at openmusic.at, <http://www.openmusic.at/> www.openmusic.at
Wien, 1.12.2008
open music / Mittwoch / 10. Dezember 2008 / 20.00
Stockwerk, Jakominiplatz 18, 8010 Graz
Szilárd Mezei Trio (RS/H)
Szilárd Mezei, violin, viola
Ervin Malina, double bass
István Csík, drums, percussion
"A deluge of new recordings have made Mezei´s vast talents clear to a
growing audience. His skills as a composer, arranger and soloist are all
evident in various combinations ."
(Peter Margasak / Down Beat).
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
im August 2008 stellte ihn Down Beat ins Zentrum der "European Scene"; und
auch seine CD "Draught" wurde bereits von vielen Kritikern, u. a. Art
Lange/Down Beat, hoch gelobt und auch unter die Top Ten Alben von 2006
gelistet. Zweifelsohne zählt der in Serbien lebende Multiinstrumentalist und
Komponist zu den europäischen Rising Stars. Seine ungarischen Wurzeln
verheimlicht Szilárd Mezei dabei nicht: Er spielt mit György Szabados, dem
MAKUZ Orchestra, Akosh S. . wie auch mit Tim Hodgkinson, William Parker,
Joëlle Léandre, Hamid Drake, Herb Robertson und Frank Gratkowski u.a.m.
Ungarischer Volksmusik und Béla Bartók fühlt er sich stark verbunden,
rezipiert aber auch Anthony Braxton, Ornette Coleman, Thelonious Monk,
Charles Mingus . und entwickelt seine eigenen Projekte.
Mit István Csík und Ervin Malina verbindet Mezei eine nahezu "intuitive
connection" und jahrelange Zusammenarbeit in fast allen seinen Formationen.
Mit ihnen ist er nunmehr auch erstmals bei "open music" in Graz zu hören!
Weiterführende Informationen finden Sie unter <http://www.openmusic.at/>
www.openmusic.at und www.szilardmezei.com, sowie im Anhang.
Ich danke für Ihr Interesse!
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Ute Pinter
"open music" Einzelkartenpreis: EURO 12,-/8,- (ermäßigt) / MusikstudentInnen
EURO 5,-
Vorverkauf: Zentralkartenbüro, die eintrittskarte /Kartenreservierung und
Informationen unter 01-2185262
Kooperationspartner dieses Konzertes: Stockwerk Graz
"open music" wird unterstützt von: Stadt Graz, Land Steiermark, BMUKK,
austro mechana/ske-Fond
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open music REMINDER
Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2008, 20.00
Stockwerk, Jakominiplatz 18, 8010 Graz
Jamie Saft Trio (USA) plays Zorn & Dylan
Jamie Saft, piano
Greg Cohen, bass
Ben Perowsky, drums
<http://www.jamiesaft.com/> www.jamiesaft.com
<http://www.perowsky.com/> www.perowsky.com
open music SZILARD MEZEI 3 weiterführende Infos
Line up:
MEZEI Szilárd - viola, violin, double bass
Ervin MALINA - double bass
CSÍK István - drums, percussions
(Compositions by Sz.Mezei)
Szilard Mezei is an extraordinary gifted multi-instrumentalist, composer and
arranger born in former Yugoslavia. As violinist, violist, double bass
player and composer he holds many formations and has performed in an array
of festival, venues and theatres in the Balkans, East Europe, Europe and
Japan. His collectives play Contemporary improvised music, mostly
performing his own compositions. Mezei explores the relationship between
improvisation and composition (similarly to Witold Lutoslawski's aleatoric
and Anthony Braxton's creative music methods), incorporating elements of
jazz and authentic folk music as well. He has been inspired by B.Bartók and
Gy.Szabados. Not only Mezei is actively involved in composing scenic music
but he also plays authentic Hungarian folk music on genuine folk instruments
(koboz and oud).
Mezei is a close collaborator of choreographer Josef Nadj, director of the
'Centre Chorégraphique National d'Orléans' in Orléans, France.
He is and has been the recipient of many awards and grants. He got the
'Sterija Prize' for the music of the theatre-piece 'Szelídítések' (Tamings).
In 2004 Mezei won also the prize for music at the 54th 'Festival of
Professional Theatres' in Vojvodina (for the theatre-piece 'Via Italia'). As
a performer Mezei participated in many workshops of improvised and intuitive
music (with Tim Hodgkinson in Budapest, William Parker in Győr, among
others). He has performed with musicians/improvisers like Matthias Schubert,
Tamás Geröly, Róbert Benko, György Szabados, Mihály Dresch, Michael
Hornstein, Tim Hodgkinson, Albert Márkos, Peter Ole Jörgensen, Jens Balder,
Ákos Szelevényi, Joe Fonda, Michael Jefry Stevens, Joelle Leandre, Hamid
Drake, Herb Robertson, Frank Gratkowski. His writings on music were
published in many periodicals in Former-Yugoslavia and Hungary.
A deluge of new recordings have made Mezei's vast talents clear to a growing
audience. His skills as a composer, arranger and soloist are all evident in
various combinations on these recent albums.
Drummer István Csík and bassist Ervin Malina have been the rhythm section
for nearly all of his band projects, and they display an intuitive
connection with Mezei, pulsing as one chopping up time, or organizing
overlapping rhythmic cells to move in varied vertical motions without
chaotic pile-ups. Mezei's improvisations showcase his sharp melodic
sensibilities, love for unusual harmonies and appreciation for the dark
colours of his instrument, but his solos always fit neatly within the
ensemble sound.
About the Szilard Mezei Trio
The idea and gainsay behind this trio is approaching free improvisation with
strings and drums in unrecognizable non-identifiable coherence with the
instruments in hand.
Viola, violin, double bass and drums have sound luxuriance and range along
with their respective traditional settings. But in the hands of these three
master sound producers, the instruments go beyond one another. This
formation can diverge widely and wildly into many instruments creating an
enormous palette of textures that can converge on the listeners and
performers as a full wall of sound.
This trio deploys an instantaneous artistry on this amazing connection!
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Kraft, die den Versand
von Newslettern und Info-Mailings nur mit ausdrücklicher Zustimmung des
Empfängers erlaubt.
Sollten Sie nicht antworten, dürfen wir dies als Bestätigung werten, dass
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herzlichen Dank!
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