**H-I-T** BALKANICA - new season
BJ Crna Trava
bj at balkanica.org
Mo Sep 10 14:34:25 CEST 2007
Balkanica, the world famous DJ producers brand, was established by BJ Nevenko Bucan and BJ Crna Trava to promote south Slavic roots and contemporary music and to explore (sub)cultural phenomena from the Balkan countries.
Balkanica now starts its third season. For that reason we would like to expand our activity and introduce ultimate new performance. It should be more show that just DJing and less then Rolling Stones. It is a mix between music, dancing, drinking, visuals, performance and sex. It includes: wings, feathers, chickens and schnapps. It is entitled: “Gypsy disappears in the skies, DJ goes to hell”. It has all spontaneity and passion one can put in a whishing well.
BALKANICA // Urban Folk Explosion
@ Postgarage - Second Floor
gypsy grooves + fat balkan beats + electronica balkanalia + klezmer + oriental rhythms + gucha jazz
Samstag, 15. September, 22:00
eintritt €5 bis 23Uhr,danach €7 (Studentenermässigung €1)
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