**H-I-T** Fwd: Surveillance - Call for Submissions
Evelin Stermitz
es at mur.at
Di Sep 4 15:50:11 CEST 2007
----- Forwarded message from martin at digitalmediacentre.org -----
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 11:30:02 +0100
From: Martin Franklin <martin at digitalmediacentre.org>
Reply-To: Martin Franklin <martin at digitalmediacentre.org>
Subject: Surveillance - Call for Submissions
Dear All,
New projection show for our Atrium space at South Hill Park in Dec/
Jan. Details below:
Surveillance - Call for Submissions
As part of our ongoing programme of projected video works in South
Hill Park Arts Centre, we will be screening a selection of video and
sound pieces that relate to the theme of surveillance.
The Surveillance programme will present a curated series of artworks,
which will be projected large scale onto the wall of our Atrium bar
area every evening from 2nd Dec - 20th January 2008.
Artists are invited to download the Application Form from http://
www.digitalmediacentre.org and submit work on CD or DVD.
Deadline for submissions: Monday 29th October 2007
Send to: Martin Franklin, Digital Media Department, South Hill Park,
Bracknell RG12 7PA. UK
Contact: martin at digitalmediacentre.org
Tel: 01344 416261
Feel free to circulate this information to anyone you think may be
interested or other lists.
Best Wishes for your projects.
Martin Franklin
Manager, Digital Media Centre
tel: 01344 416261
////GENE POOL Digital Media Podcast//////
Now live!! more info at http://www.digitalmediacentre.org/podcast.html
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