**H-I-T** FC-ACID // Fr.24.11.2007 / Forum Keller, Graz

disko404 office at disko404.org
Do Nov 22 12:50:06 CET 2007

Samstag, 24. November 2007/ Forum Keller, Graz

*FC -- ACID*
Syntheme *live [planet-mu / UK]
*Qwerty* [rottenrow / HR]

*Onkel Tuca* live [luv, in dust we trust]
*Simon/off* [plainaudio, winterstrand]
*b.l.o. *&* tetsuo* [disko404]

on screen: *naritia* [depattern.com]

retro / future / acid / smilies / love



Lou (Syntheme) is a 22 year old dance / electronic music producer, born 
in Scotland and living in Brighton. Her pink laptop driven tracks have a 
danceable female flair that has brought "Lov3" (WeMe Records) 12" close 
to selling out.
More recently she has released a well received EP on the legendary 
Planet Mu records. These days she's working on new material and 
constantly travelling around with her liveset.


Since the late 90s Qwerty has released several albums of experimental 
electronic music as both Qwerty and Spleen on Phthalo (LA), Piehead 
(Toronto), Kitchen Sink (NY) and  Egoboo.Bits (ZG/HR). The Concrete Acid 
EP for Glasgows Rottenrow released in 2006 was his first vinyl release 
and featured 4 concrete-solid electro acid-influenced tracks, both 
dancefloor honed and jittery percussive. 'Concrete Acid' reached top 20 
electro bestsellers on Boomkat and top 10 Warpmart recommendations, and 
was presented on the popular Breezeblock show (BBC Radio 1). One of the 
radio shows which featured Qwertys DJ mixes in more than 20 countries 
worldwide was the legendary Solid Steel show (Cold Cut/Ninja Tune).

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