**H-I-T** Ragga Jungle Mayhem @ Sub- Fr.13.01.2006
office at disko404.org
Do Jan 12 11:51:30 CET 2006
*Fr.13.01.2006 / 22:00*
Murderbot [Mashit, Dead Homies, JungleX / Kansas City, U$A]
Zeck [disko404]
Tetsuo [shellbeach]
Synapse-Beatrip-Yin DBS [freakbeatz]
By night this mild mannered 22 year old grad student from Kansas City
named Chrissy becomes the mysterious party-mashing junglist known as
Murderbot. "I got into electronic music pretty early" says Murderbot,
who has been playing out at parties since the tender age of 12.Like the
very best classic jungle tunes, Murderbot's complex--yet precisely
composed--drum programming, and keen sense of harmonic structure, make
for tracks that murder the dance-floor and mashup the brain.
"Kansas City's Murderbot is one of the U.S.'s leading ragga jungle
- DJ Chopper, XLR8R Magazine
SUb - "Der hippste Club der Stadt"
Kaiser Franz Josef Kai 66
8010 Gr at z
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