**H-I-T** Fwd: A hug from Gao Brothers Studio
evelin stermitz
es at mur.at
So Dez 18 13:05:10 CET 2005
please participate,
--evelin stermitz--
----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von ggzebra at yahoo.com.cn -----
Datum: Sun, 18 Dec 2005 15:47:40 +0800 (CST)
Von: Gao Brothers Studio <ggzebra at yahoo.com.cn>
Antwort an: ggzebra at yahoo.com.cn
Betreff: A hug from Gao Brothers Studio
An: ggzebra at yahoo.com.cn
Hello dear friend,
Thanks to our friend German artist Stephan Hausmeister,Gao Brothers' World Hug
Day project is now on line.We are very delighted to share the URL with
everyone,and also we would like to give our best regards to Mr.Stephan
Hausmeister,He is a real international artist.
Please go to http://www.world-hug-day.net and take part in the project.
This mail is a hug,Please forward this mail to everyone you know so that they
can send it on to everyone they know (and so on)...
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions
of promoting the "World Hug Day" project.Many thanks.
More information on Gao Brothers:
A big hug,
With love,
Lu Feifei
Gao Brothers Studio
Add:4 Jiuxianqiao Road 798 Art District,Beijing
P.O.Box 8503 Beijing 100015 China
E-mail: ggzebra at yahoo.com.cn
Gao Brothers' Global Hug Project - World Hug Day
The Gao Brothers carried out their first group hug performance, "The Utopia Of
Hugging For Twenty Minutes" on September 10, 2000,by inviting one hundred and
fifty volunteers, all previously strangers, to take part in the event. They
asked participants to choose a person at random for a hug of fifteen minutes
duration. Afterwards, all participants huddled together for an additional five
In May, 2001, the Gao Brothers were invited by Harald Szeemann,the curator of
the 49th Venice Biennale, to carry out a great hugging act-art in Giardini di
Castello, Venice,at eleven o'clock on June 8 the preview day of the
Biennale,The Gao Brothers assembled volunteers for this performance globally
via Internet. Unfortunately, they failed to arrive in Venice on account of
passport troubles(In fact,since 1989 Gao Brothers have been victimized by
censorship and travel restrictions until 2003 because of some political
problem). On that day, they carried out the hug act in Jinan at the same time
with the supporters all around the world. In some sense, June 8 is a "World Hug
Since 2000, the Gao Brothers have organized group hugging performances with
strangers at many public locations in different ways, and taken a lot of
interesting photos. In order to popularize the initiation of "World Hug
Day",they are planning to show the photos and carry out a series of new hug
performance worldwidely
Date: ?
Location: ?
Manner: Release the news through network?TV?newspaper and magazines, hold a
press release conference, assemble 100 (1000 or 10000) volunteers to
hug(nakedly or clothed) ,When people are all in the location,the chorus "You
are beside me" by Bach will be played repeatedly. The hug period will be
finished in three stages: in the first stage, every participant will choose a
person at random for a hug of five minutes duration; in the second period,
participants will engage in "free hugging," that's to say, every volunteer will
hug whomever they wish for an undetermined period of time; in the final stage,
everyone will gather together for a group hug of five minutes. Finished.
Record: photograph?video?interview
Press: documentary film?photograph volume?postcard
** Gao Brothers will stage a giant hug performace in the NAN event in
Nottingham, 28th - 30th April 2006
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