[hauwie] Jacob lehrt Impro!
ed. TiB
e.hauswirth at theater-im-bahnhof.com
Mi Mai 7 17:58:41 CEST 2008
Impro Workshops
with Jacob Banigan, Theater Im Bahnhof
Saturdays and Sundays
JUNE 7, 8, 14, 15
12:00 - 17:00
Learn improvisation from a world champion of Theatresports. In these
classes, we will practice a great variety of theater games and
techniques designed to create characters, situations and stories
instantly. Spontaneity leads to inspiration; individual decisions
collect into a group scene.
Jacob Banigan has performed thousands of impro shows in short form,
long form and competitive formats. He teaches throughout Europe and
North America. In 2006 Banigan captained the Canadian team to victory
at the World Cup of Theatresports.
Instruction in English with translation, players should work in German.
Players of any level are welcome.
Contact: Jacob Banigan
pobunk at gmail.com
handy: 0650 661 7589
4 days: 75 euro
2 days: 50 euro
Theater Im Bahnhof
Elizabethinergasse 27
07., 08., 14., 15. JUNE 2005
12 h - 17 h
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