[Grml] Booting 2008.11 takes 4 minutes!

Michael Prokop mika at grml.org
Tue Feb 3 02:03:26 CET 2009

* Hubert Gabler <loipersb at aon.at> [20090123 18:18]:

> I use grml 1.1 but wanted to test the new 2008.11 version. I noticed 2 
> very annoying features: When it reads "Searching for grml file, this 
> might take a few seconds" in reality it takes 3:30 minutes before the 
> program continues. But only to stop again at "Waiting for /dev to be 
> fully populated" for about 30 seconds.

> How can I avoid these stops in execution? I tried all the no....options 
> (noautoconfig, nodhcp, noquick) but without any success. Any ideas?

Some further tips:

* If you know the device name where grml is booting from try booting
  via: "grml bootfrom=/dev/sda1" (assuming the /dev/sda1 is your
  CD/DVD device booting grml). Does this improve your bootup time?
  If so we could spot the device which takes just to long for

* Blacklist modules: when booting finished check out dmesg output
  and if there any noteable error/warning messages and try to
  blacklist probably involved modules booting using:
  "grml blacklist=modulename[,module2]" - though I'm not sure
  whether this really helps in your case as you already tried
  the noudev bootoption.

The 3:30min are definitely too much and I'm interested in resolving
your issue.

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