[Grml] grml-debootstrap misc questions

T o n g mlist4suntong at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 1 06:46:24 CEST 2008

On Tue, 02 Sep 2008 21:09:06 +0000, T o n g wrote:

> Several misc questions regarding grml-debootstrap...

what will happen if I grml-debootstrap/debootstrap into a directory that 
has already been debootstrap'd. I.e., the "--target" is not an empty 
directory, but a fully setup chroot system?

I just tried it, but failed. I'm wondering why it fails. The output has 
two rounds of "I: Validating " each package, and "I: Extracting" each 
package. I.e., the same "I: Validating "/"I: Extracting" sequence 
happened twice. but failed at the end of the second round. 

Any comment? 


Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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