[Grml] First contact with grml_small 2008.11

Michael Prokop mika at grml.org
Thu Nov 27 12:59:42 CET 2008

* Peter <vmail at mycircuit.org> [20081125 15:40]:

> Thanks a lot for the new release.
> I just installed grml_small and it works fine. I had to tweak things and 
> I do not know if this was due to my ignorance, if it was a feature or a 
> bug, so I just report it:

> I did the harddisk install (grml_small) and I _unselected_ dhcp.

> I noticed on startup that pump was working, and in fact , the dhcp 
> option was activated ( = yes ) in the autoconfig file.

This sounds like a bug. I've put it into our BTS:

> I also noticed that networking was not in the onlevel column (2,3,4,5) 
> in runlevel.conf, I am not sure if this is necessary, but after the 
> install, networking did not come up on rebooting.

/etc/init.d/networking is configured for runlevel "S".

> I also was wondering , why resolv.conf was symlinked to some other file. 
> As far as I understood, if dhcp is not used,than resolv.conf is required 
> and should not be overridden on startup.

/etc/resolv.conf is a symlink pointing to
/etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf because grml uses resolvconf by

> Finally I was wondering , if utf8 should not be the default even in 
> grml_small  (echo $LANG returns "C").

grml-small doesn't provide any locales (due to space limitations) so
the only possible choise AFAICS is "C".

> Again, please forgive if these are newbie questions and thanks for you help

No need to, thanks for your feedback and the bugreport. :)

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