[Grml] a couple of questions, please.

C.M. Brannon cmbrannon at cox.net
Tue Jan 29 07:11:31 CET 2008

Doug Smith <dougsmith1 at charter.net> writes:

> Now, I have another problem.  What is wrong with cdtool?  Each time I try to play a cd, I get this: 
> cdplay: can't play no disc
> This is not true, as I have just inserted a professionally produced cd into the drive before doing this.  Why will 

I suspect your /dev/cdrom and /dev/dvd symlinks aren't being
established properly.  My CD drive is /dev/hdc and my DVD drive is
/dev/hdd.  So I end up doing something like
cdplay -d /dev/hdc
to play a CD, and that works.  I could establish my symlinks
ln -s /dev/hdc /dev/cdrom
I'm a bit leary of doing that, since /dev is automatically
constructed by udev, I think.

I bet udev or a boot script is supposed to be adding the /dev/cdrom
symlinks, but it isn't.  At least the above is true for my machine.

-- Chris

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