[Grml] RC 1.1 troubles (ignore last post)

D. Pathirana dpat at syn-net.org
Thu Jan 3 13:11:17 CET 2008

Hi Chris!

On 01.01.2008 22:05, C.M. Brannon wrote:

> It seems unusual that the 1.1 RC1 disk won't boot, while the 1.0 CD
> will boot.
> I'm running without a monitor, so the boot sequence isn't visible. I
> should probably ask someone to connect a monitor and read the boot
> sequence to me, but that's a big hastle. Am I missing something here?
> Is anyone else booting the 1.1 RC1 live CD with speech?

I think can confirm you're problem but I believe that the problem is
unreleated to swspeak. See http://bts.grml.org/grml/issue348 for more

Mika and I tried a few things to solve this issue but we were running
out of good ideas.

I first encounted this booting problem with 1.0-5 which was a
devel-release[1]. I would be glad if you can test that release too to
confirm our problem.

I by now think it has something to do with the initrd but unfortunatly I
had no time to track it down...

I also just removed my CD-ROM-Drive from my notebook to add the model
for reference. It's a TEAC DW-224E (-A35).

I am looking forward to solve this problem together.

Wish you (and everybody who reads this) a Happy and Prosperous New Year

 - Darsha

[1] http://debian.netcologne.de/www.grml.org/devel/

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