[Grml] Recommended source.list and apt (pinning) setting for HD install?

"Robert Zöhrer | pronet.at" robert.zoehrer at pronet.at
Fri Jan 5 12:28:01 CET 2007

Before 'grml2hd-utils' could fetch packets (e.g. for multimedia stuff) I
had to modify my default? source.list by activating

# MPEG, divx...:
  deb     http://www.debian-multimedia.org sid main
  deb-src http://www.debian-multimedia.org sid main

in this case.

Because I'm still using default (at installation time) settings for
source.list and apt-pinning (preferences)

Question: Is there a recommended way of setting up (and maintain) packet
assortment on a grml-HD-installation?

I'm searching for a solution to permanently void packet chaos (maybe)
caused by incompatible packet / repository dependencies when using
(complex) pinning as it is at grml.

regards Robert

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