[Grml] Text based Email: what do I need?

Branko Vukelic bg.branko at gmail.com
Sat Sep 30 04:03:18 CEST 2006

Hi, all!

I've recently started using grml for rescue purposes. First of all, I 
would like to thank the team for developing such a magnificent distro. 

Now for the question. I used to be a Windows user, and a MS-DOS user 
before that. About an year ago I switched to Linux. I decided to give my 
Email routine a bit of a twist by using grml for Email and backing up 
the msgs to my USB stick.

However, I am completely lost in the vast array of software involved and 
need a quick tour of what old-school text-based mail is about and what I 
need to know in order to make a quick (and dirty) setup.

What I want to do is:
1. set up POP access (using SSL) to my Gmail.com account,
2. filter mailing list messages and etc. into different folders,
3. send mail using Gmail.com's SMTP server,
4. locating and backing up messages to USB stick.

I've googled about quite extensively, but it's just too much info for an 
absolute CLI mail beginner.



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