[Grml] Forensic use of grml

Ralf Moll ralf-info at family-moll.de
Mon Sep 18 14:12:20 CEST 2006

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I'm a german police officer and sick of all the boot-cds around. I want
to build a boot-cd / pxe-image for me and other people around based on
grml because I like shell and debian / ubuntu.

Currently I'm using a customized HELIX CD
 * http://e-fense.com/helix/
which is quite ok but "difficult" to customize.

My plans are building ONE grml with the forensic tools I need or (which
would be better) include all tools in the official grml-cd.

I need a CD for booting outside our lab and a pxe-version inside our lab.

The pxe-part rocks already.

So here are the things I need to include:
 * libewf - Free tool to create and write back EnCase-Images
  * https://www.uitwisselplatform.nl/projects/libewf/
 * A.I.R. Cloning HDs for mausschubser ;)
  * http://air-imager.sourceforge.net/

Additionally it would be cool to add a special hot-plug scipts for hds:
if there is a scpecial id-file / volume-name automatically mount the hd
as /media/destination-hd for faster hd-cloning.

So, how can I do this and is there someone around who want's to help me?

First of all one question:
how can i add a additional dir to the cd for running e.g. libewf if I
boot the "normal" grml v0.8 via PXE / NFS?

Or can I place the unzipped ISO-Content in a NFS-Share and do there all
the modifications I need?

Further I will create a forensic-page in the grml-wiki and do the doku.

greetings from Heilbronn, Germany,


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