[Grml] grml-tips sarge Addendum 2 preferences

Michael Prokop mika at grml.org
Wed Nov 29 21:12:18 CET 2006

* Erich Minderlein <erminderlein at locoware.de> [20061129 21:00]:

> Something does not work as desired, 
> when doing the install, apt* sees there is also testing available 
> and starts downloading from the testing suite . 
> Now I put /etc/apt/preferences in :
> sarge 1001
> grml 993
> grml-backup 992
> testing 101
> unstable 99

> some files are downgraded, but libc6 is a p.i.t.r.e.


> preferences shall be added to the grml-tips sarge (etc)

Sorry I have absolutely no idea what you are doing and requesting.
Please be more specific what I should add to 'grml-tips sarge'.

And please followup on your 'grml-tips sarge' mail/thread so we
don't have a new thread for each mail again, thanks.

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